WOW! Now if I had a Special Occassion coming up, like a wedding or a special birthday! I would definitely hire this 'luverley' vintage Routemaster Bus! How cool! and what fun! Move over Stretch Hummers! this is the way to travel in style these days!


  1. Love it! I'm in Oz though so I guess I'll have to stick with the pink party bus.... but it's not a double or even nearly as cute...

  2. WOW! Fantastic! So much more interesting (and a lot less chav!) than a limo, or worse, hummer limo. I still miss seeing the route master around London, it was always such fun to jump on and off while popping into all the fab shops in Regent Street.

    Big blog hugs, Sadie at Flea Market Chic xxx

  3. Have just found your blog, and adore it, you, your treasures, and your home!!!
    And LOVE the bus!
    nattie x

  4. Ahha! I think you may have solved a mystery for me. Last time I was visiting my parents in Edinburgh one of these great buses drove past their house, labeled 'London'! It seemed a bit of a long way to go, but I guess now that it was on hire for events, as you say. Wonderful!

  5. Gosh, I remember hopping on and off the back of those buses as a child living on the Surrey/South London border! And we had the bus conductors with huge ticket machines hung around their necks. Those things must have weighed a ton!

    Anyway, I made this and thought of you. What do you think?!

  6. I just love this idea for a wedding. It'd be so much fun.

    Victoria xx


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