Hello my luverlies...and how are ya' all this week then!
I do soooo hope you are well :)

I have drawn the winners of  my Homes and Antiques Magazine Give-away, using the random number generator and this is what it came up with....
So the lucky winners are Number 7 and Number 38 Yay! which means the names of the luverly ladies are :-

Jennifer Park-Cox and

You lucky girlies you!

Now could you lovely ladies get in touch with me, as I have tried to make contact and can't :( and if anyone else knows these ladies, could you please let them know for me :)
Thanks to everyone for taking part...I loved all your comments and would love to come and visit you all for a fun packed decorating holiday...Bliss :)


  1. Hi Happy, I have a award for you at my blog! Love, Esther XX

  2. Congrats to the lucky winners!

  3. Congratulations to the girls!

    Lieve groet, Madelief

  4. Congratulations to both winners -well done!!!!

    Kerry xxxx

  5. Congratulations to both the winners :) Barb.

  6. congrats to both of you! Stop by my blog, I'm having a giveaway too :)


Thanks for leaving a comment...I really do appreciate your kind words xx