The sun was shining...but I was having a kinda lazy morning...I was quite happy to just sit there in my cosy pyjamas...watching morning TV...but just then my hubby poked his head around the door and asked if I wanted to do anything that day!
What I felt like saying was...yes lets go to London and have a BIG ole spend up! But lately money has been a bit on the tight side and we have been trying our hardest to save money instead of wasting it!...So I decided to get dressed....Good idea, you lazy gal...I hear you say!
Freddy was doing a bit of his scrapbooking and I started to watch him....I will show you  some of his newer creations will love them :)....we were talking about the fridge and how the wallpaper that we had stuck on it was looking very tiresome. remember I posted about it HERE
....And as you have probably guessed by now...we put two and two together and decided to cover the fridge scrapbook stylie! didnt take long...we had plenty of pretty papers to choose from, postcards and magnets!..Hmmm! yes sorry about that rude magnet!...I just love it though the magnet I mean!...Oh yes and the fridge...who would not love the fridge :)
...and all it cost us was £3.99 for the modge podge...which is a sealant too aparently! what a it turned out soooooo luverley!!!!...Coz I did wonder how I was going to wipe the fridge clean!.....being as the pretty Cath Kidston wallpaper, was just stuck on with magnets!....dont worry Freddy said! if it gets dirty we can always glue on another postcard! :))))

Ahhh! what a clever idea! LOL! Gosh that fella's got brains! hehehe!

My Freddie has done a little post about it too! on his phone..please go on over and comment HERE thanks :)


  1. Love what you did with the fridge, it looks great!

  2. ha.. i love it.. i think you've now inspired patchwork fridges throughout the land now!!!!.. it look so pretty!!
    so have you sealed over the top of the postcards with anything so you can wipe down or just stuck them to the fridge??

  3. I love it Happy! it reminds me of an inspiration board! xx

  4. Love the fridga its sooo pretty and a good conversation piece. Do I spy a cabbages and roses dress there??? Tried to get the easter egg but it wasn't in the freebies, (or is it me, haha) Love Lucey xx

  5. Wow....sigh... I lóóóóve your fridge!!!!!!!! It's so you! Posts like these light up my day! And we've sunshine today, so I'm a happy girl!
    Hugs, Elly

  6. Oh I do love your fridge...just faberooney!
    I love to see collages on everything....shall we start a new trend???
    Karen x x x

  7. Looks lovely & I love the idea of sticking more postcards on instead of cleaning!!!
    Thanks for the button for our blogs, love the doggies.....always makes me smile :)

  8. The fridge looks great and everything round it. By the way is that a cabbages and Roses dress I spy hanging there? If not its vary similar and very pretty.
    Jenny x

  9. Hi
    That fridge looks soooo great !!
    Sue x

  10. GREAT IDEA! turned out great!

  11. What a fantastic idea!! Looks great too!!!

  12. Thats lovely Happy!

    I have horrid work tops, I doubt I could paint them but maybe you have an idea of how to improve them.
    You're now a House Doctor too! xxx

  13. Your fridge is the cutest!! Love it! Isn't Mod Podge just the greatest?

    Susan and Bentley

  14. Oh Happy!
    DO you know how HAPPY it would make me to walk into my kitchen and see that LOVELY fridge all fancied up!!!!!
    Oh soooo adorable!
    Just like YOU!
    Wonder if my hubby will mind it I get out the mod-podge and decorate/decopage my stainless steel fridge today?! ;o)
    Happy...I so love the St. Patrick's Day owl! It makes me so giddy when I pop on my blog and see it! I wonder if you might be able to remove the St. Patrick's Day on it and write something else on it so I could keep him up on my blog like FOREVER and ever????
    Do let me know! ;o)
    It would make my day so sweet!
    Happy Day sweet girl!
    I certainly do adore the fridge!
    Oh and you will love the rainyday coat I have featured today on my blog from my fave BODEN!!!

  15. Oh Happy!
    I LOVE it!
    I now have Mr. "HAPPY" Owl proudly displayed in all his glory!
    Now I can leave him up forever and ever!
    I adore it Happy...
    and I thank you!

  16. So cute! American fridges are so large, I'm afraid if I did this, it would overwhelm my kitchen, but a girl can dream...

  17. I ABSOLUTELY LOVE THE FRIDGE.... Think MY hubby would have an ABSOLUTE fit if I did that to ours tho....lm(ws)ao

    BTW - how old is Freddie????

  18. Good job on the fridge and what a fun morning for you and the hubs!

  19. Fantabulous Happy! I love it, what a brilliant idea! Love the magnet too! Oh and theres absolutely nothing wrong with wearing pjs round the house! I always do, I only get dressed if I really have to these days! suzie. xxx

  20. It looks wonderful! What a fun thing to do but its also ok to have a lazy day here and there!

  21. What a lovely idea for your fridge!! It looks brilliant!!

  22. That looks great! Bet you are really pleased!

  23. Fabulous fridge it looks fantastic!

    I'm planning on painting my soon - wish me luck!!

    Victoria xx

  24. Hello gals - to those of you that have asked - we have sealed the fridge with the modge podge it acts as a sealant as well as a glue, so you can lightly wipe it clean...well thats the plan anyway! LOL

    Thanks for your wonderful comments once again :)

    Love Happy xx

  25. Your blog always makes me smile.

    Sending good cheer!

  26. I love it all, You do color and floarals better than anyone I know!!! Keep it up.

  27. I love this!!!!

    I showed Olly...first thing he said "NO"!!!
    Huh men...spoiling my fun!


  28. hey happy....what a great idea and fab job! love it! hope you are well and kept busy as usual. sharon x

  29. It is the cutest darn frig I've ever seen! I love how tiny your frigs are. Here in the U.S everything is sadly supersized.

    I adore your caravan...we call ours vintage trailers...but I call mine a wee cottage camper too! Really her name is 'The Pearl' and I love, love, love her! Does yours stay in your yard, or do you take it out too?

  30. What a super duper idea that I have longed to do forever! It looks divine!

  31. Wow is this your kitchen? It's gorgeous, love the scrapbook idea for the fridge - works a treat!


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