(sorry I thought I would start this post off with a pretty picture....
coz this post ain't gonna get any prettier!!! Eek!!)
hehehe! you see a funny thing has happened this week....
I cant really remember it happening last year but!.....

I was sitting having a cup of tea the other day...when a flock of seagulls started fluttering around outside...there were hundereds of them!....two happened to land on the tree outside and I thought ahhh ain't they luverley!!!....(look into their eyes!!! Grrrr!).

Now! our car happened to be parked outside on the road!!! Hmmm! yes...you have guessed it!!!....and under our hollyoak!!!!! Double Hmmmm!
Hmmmm!.....Where does it land Indeedy!!!

I don't think we'll be parking the car under the tree anymore!!!!

Love Happy x


  1. blimey! move that car fast!!

  2. Holy smokes!!!! You weren't kidding bout a bunch of birds!!!!! Did it burn the paint off?? LOL

  3. No, that did not really happen to you?! Unbelievable. What were they feeding on?

  4. Oh mine! Poor birds must have been terribly sick!! LOL
    ( I know you dont´t find it too funny )
    But be carefull, it can burn the paint away...
    Snowy greetings from Finland = )

  5. Oh my goodness! That is horrible. They should be made to clean that up!

  6. Just showed blog to Alex his comment
    ............now that is a serious attack!

  7. Oh My Gosh Happy!
    I have never seen anything like that!!!!!
    Oh My Goooooodness!

  8. hahaha! this is SO funny! ;o)

    Not funny when you have to clean it tho'!


    hello gorgeous xxx

  9. Very Very Funny, so your car will get good luck for at least 7 years! Kx

  10. Oh my! That's a lot of poop!!

  11. Oh my goodness! They were'nt messing around were they? Well actually , they were! It may be good luck though. Just imagine if you had been stood there at the time! suzie xxx

  12. Oh no, sorry hunni but that did make me giggle! The same thing happened to me when I parked under a tree at Victoria's parents!

  13. So you're off to the car wash then!! Lucey xx

  14. Oh dear, lovely first image did make up for the poo bonanza on your car!! Geesh, they had a field day. Love Posie

  15. Yes, the birdies are so cute, until the pooping starts! Great post!
    Happy Monday!

  16. Goodness!! We get loads of gulls being near the Thames,get hundreds on the field that I back on to and my dad feeds them every day, but they dont seem to poop here at all, they must do it all on your car!!
    Best wishes Betty x countryrosecorner

  17. oooohh polka dot car-fetching! someones been feeding em bran me thinks!flying rats-grrrr!

  18. Bloomin' heck, that's a lot of s*#t!!!
    Laura x

  19. OMG I can't believe your car!!! HAHAHAHA! Oh that is just too funny!

  20. Lots of luck is coming your way. Let us know when you hit the jackpot, lottery, or some other windfall. I'll be waiting to hear, I'm sure it will be soon!

  21. oh my! I remember this happend to my hubbys car plus some gulls involved, but this... yea, you should move it asap ;).

    Wishing you a graet (poop-free) week!

  22. Sometimes I park my car to close to the tree and have a similar site when I walk outside!

    Victoria xx

  23. Never ever ever park under a tree! Apparently it all happens in the take off, as they exert themselves lol
    Is that a picture of the seagulls? Cos they don't look like any kind of seagull we have round here.:)

  24. That's a lot of .... stuff !

  25. No doubt about it--the worst case of car poop I have ever seen! Have you gotten it cleaned off yet? Oh My!

  26. You definitely need to establish a No Fly Zone around your property!

  27. Oh. My. Goodness. That's quite a mess!! Hope the bird pooing ceremony was followed by a good rain!

  28. That is horrible. They should be made to clean that up!

    Work from home India

  29. Oh dear...what a mess...car wash time for sure.

  30. Oh my word!!! That is one great mess!!


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