I am having one of those weeks...you know where you just cannot get motivated! Apart from the fact that it is all dreary outside today (check out the pic above!).

Last week I decided to catch up on some well deserved sleep, over the years I have only needed about 5-6 hours, but just lately, my body has been telling me otherwise. So last week I decided to go to bed about 9pm and I slept all the way around to 9am!! the next night I went to bed at 10 pm and slept all the way round to 10 am!! each night I slept for at least 12 hours each and then at the weekend, I went to bed very late around 3am and it has thrown me all out of sync coz now I can't stop sleeping! cat naps here and there! and no focus to do anything! Oh gosh what has happened to me!

Also I have been very week willed as my favourite flavoured icecream has been on special offer in the petrol garage near where I live!

Oh goodness! as I was looking for this piccy I have now found out that this icecream is cheaper at Tesco's!!!!!Drat and double drat!!!!

Yes its Ben and Jerry's Cookie Dough! normal price here in Blighty £3.99 now reduced to £2.25! Now this is surely a bargain not to be left....so nearly every night I have been hot footing it round the the garage to buy some! needless to say that all my weight that I had taken off at the start of the year is now piling back on again!...and superquick...probably the reason for feeling soooo larthargic (sorry - thats probably NOT how you spell it!)
Previously I have been up to all sorts! there has been plenty of crafting going on in the caravan...Fred has made some lovely pictures for me and he can make all the mess he wants to in there and it keeps the large kitchen table in the dining room lovely and clear! you see that is the centre of the house and whilst I love everyone creating there it does make the whole house look all messed up....so the caravan is ideal :) and its a way of letting us have some time to ourselves LOL!

On a lighter note I did manage to venture out to a bootsale at the weekend, my first in a few weeks! where I managed to pick up this wonderful ark, there is nothing inside...but isn't it lovely and painted in such a cute colour....I knew I had seen this colour somewhere before and Look!
It happens to match my lovely old button box on the top of my crafting kitchen maid! Oh I was so pleased when I found out! Its funny isnt it! how you are tuned into things that match indoors without realising it! :)

Anyway the sun is starting to shine now, so I might go and try to make something of the day! hehehe! I think I'll have to have plenty more of this (diet of course!).....

...and slighty less of this LOL! 

Lets hope I get my Mojo back......soon!!
See ya in a few days girlies...love to ya all xx

Love Happy x
PS - I have had trouble with the fonts on this page! sorry if they look a bit weird!!


  1. Its funny but I get so much more done when its raining. It sounds like you must really need sleep. I wish I could sleep past 6:00am but I just can't and I really try.
    The pink boxes and that icecream looks yummy!

  2. I adore your blog....I hope you get your mojo back soon too!!!! Love all your new treasures and amazing images....your blog is really one of the best! Happy high energy week to you! I am finding I need less and less sleep...I think it will catch up with me soon!

  3. Just wanted to pop by and say Hi! I found your blog while I was reading Blogging for Bliss. I love how colorful you layout is! I’m a big Ben and Jerry’s too! My fav is Phishfood (I think that’s how they spell it). Although I went to a Ben and Jerry’s ice cream pallor and it was not near as good as the stuff I get at the grocery store....I thought that was a little strange.
    Anyhoo, just wanted to stop by. Feel free to visit my blog anytime :o) I blog about thrifty home décor, crafts, home life, and every now and then I post a Weight Watchers recipe.



  4. Your Blog is gorgeous!
    How about this for temptation....Ben & Jerrys Is on special offer at our local super market too £1.99, yep you heard it right, £1.99 Now how does a girlie resist that!!!!
    If it would'nt melt I'd send you some over...xx

  5. Mary from Michigan25 August 2009 at 18:09

    Maybe your tiredness stems from a shortage of sunshine! I live in Northern Michigan, USA and we have a saying here: If there is global warming, BRING IT ON!! This summer has been our coldest, wettest summer EVER ON RECORD! It is cool and rainy here; on 15 July, we had a hard frost! July and August are usually our hot, humid months, but we've only had 3 or 4 days of our usual weather- COL (cry out loud)! Hope you get your MOJO back and that the remainder of your summer is a good one. I enjoy reading your blog because my brother and sister-in-law are living in England and it's interesting to see the ways we're alike or differ. Not to mention, it's an eye candy blog!

  6. Try power naps - just 15 minutes sometimes in the middle of the day (when noone knows) is enough to give me as much energy as if I'd just woken up in the morning! Your ark is gorgeous by the way.

  7. Dont worry all is well, Tom Hardy is Heathcliff! check out my blog!

    That'l soet anyones MOJO I reckon! TEE HEE Sarah ;D x

  8. Power naps they work for me! I often just sit in the chair and do nothing when I arise from the chair it sometimes between half hour to an hour later and somewhere inbetween my eyes have been shut and I awake fresh as a daisy!

  9. I love reading your blog and looking at all the lovely pictures. I know how you feel, I have no energy this week I think it is all the weird weather we have been having ! Your pink ark is great, amazing the things that turn up at boot sales.
    Ann x

  10. If you need sleep, sleep. I find that my body knows when I've had enough. We all know now that lack of sleep is not good for our bodies or our minds. Too many sleep-deprived folks out there! And many of them driving the highways! Yikes!

  11. Came back to say I'm taking your cute little blog button with me. It's readily apparent that you and I lurve our color! Just found you today, so pleased to meet ya from Texas!

  12. Hey,

    Hope you are feeling ok?
    I know how you feel, I get un-motivated every now and then - I think we all do!

    I hope you are not getting sick, needing to sleep?

    Pictures (as always) are looking fab :-) LOVE the ark!

    They have that ice cream half price in tesco - I have allowed myself to buy the frozen yogurt varieties of the phish food & the strawberry cheesecake as they are "supposed" to be lower fat. Prob not that much lower fat than the other versions, but hey, I'm using it as an excuse to be allowed to eat them!

    Hope you find your mojo soon!

    Rose XXX

  13. The ark you bought at the carboot sale is really great, shame there were no animals though as it would of looked cute with them. I love the style of your blog it is fantastic. I have just come back to blogging after long tie away. I wonder if you could give me any advice onhow to change the style of my blog. Thanks. Hope you feel more inspired soon.

  14. I'm loving that 12 hour sleep pattern, I think I might try it. I can't seem to cope with the heat lately it's making me tired. I think Tesco's should give you lots of free icecream in return for all the free advertising.

  15. Oh sweet chickee, chocolate definitely helps! Try it; I guarantee you'll get your mojo back......or at least be happy! Hah.

  16. Love the ark! I have always had a problem with sleep, except with me, it is lying awake not being able to sleep, So I look like a panda, no, maybe a raccoon! I am sure your mojo will be back soon!!! Suzie. x:)

  17. Isn't it amazing how they grey skies will just suck the mojo right out of you! I hope the sun and your mojo return soon. There has been lots of mojo over here in Virgnia, I've been sewing and crafting up a storm this past week. xo, suzy

  18. Okay happy, just get out your rose colored glasses...that's the only answer I have, or you can go eat cupcakes with Alice in Wonderland...that works for me everytime. I so enjoy your happy posts. Come visit me sometime at Once Upon a Fairyland

  19. Happy, if your body is telling you that you need more sleep, go with it! I also recommend (and this is really hard when you feel so lethargic) doing some kind of exercise! Then you can eat more ice cream!! I saw one of those arks outside a local charity shop and would have bought it if I wasn't so laden with kids and shopping! Best wishes xx

  20. Hi Happy,

    Sorry to hear your mojo has disappeared but I have to say your design skills are still spot on... I must reply to your emails!!!!

    I'm having a B&J fix lately, I recently devoured a tub of the low cal choc brownie although I don't know if you're meant to eat the whole tub!!

    I'm off to the cinema this evening and they have a B&J stand so I'll have to treat myself to them.

    Victoria xx

  21. Hi Happy
    Getting firmed up on get together in Somerset
    amazed at the response.Be in touch with dates soon Location will be Brympton d'Evercy Yeovil it's where we keep mojo in abundance.
    Devastated at the end of Desperate Romantics -dreamt about Rossetti last night he can paint me anytime!!!

  22. Zzzzz I am with you on the sleep Happy! I've just done a post on hibernating today! I also blame our British weather, I have been 'working from home' whilst laying on my sofa with the cat, a cup of Earl Gray tea, some brownies and the heating on full blast. I now need to motivate myself to go and teach a yoga class x

  23. oh that ark is sweet! I hope youre feeling rested and ready to play again soon! sometimes we just run out of steam!
    have a great night!

  24. absolutley!!
    Ben & Jerrys £1.99 in Tescos Had to literally tear myself away from Triple Caramel Chunk
    and I'm the same the more sleep I have, the more I tend to need!
    I'm sure I saw your other half at a booty they other Saturday, I recognise him from Havershams!!
    good luck with ya MOJO!!!

  25. I do love a dreary day sometime as it means I get more done at home! Thanks for the mention in the book, that is so sweet of you!

    I hope your bank holiday has started off well, surely you can catch up on a little extra sleep! I am so excited to have 3 days all for me.

    And as for the ice cream, I have discovered tesco's sells most as frozen yoghurt so you can eat two pots for the calories of one! He he : )

    Say hi to fred I had a little ponder the other day about that quilt he started?

    Jeska x


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