hydrangeas and delphiniums

How To Move Your Garden To Your New Home.

The key to moving your Garden to your new home, doesn’t only involve your household goods! You may wonder if you can bring your favourite flowers, shrubs, and small trees to your new place. Although it may seem impossible to relocate them, the truth is that you can…With the right amount of attention and time, you can move and take some of your plants with you, without hassle.

If you don’t intend to leave your garden behind, here are a few tips for moving it to your new home. 

garden toolsGive your plants a deep soak before you uproot them

When moving plants, it means you have to uproot them in advance. However, before digging them up, you need to hydrate them to enable water to saturate into the roots and soil. Even if you don’t want them to drown, you still need to soak them in water so they can sustain the uprooting process. It’s a good idea to deeply immerse your garden within a few weeks or months before your scheduled move. Also, make sure you do the deep soaking at night because water evaporation at that time is less. When digging your plants, it’s a good idea to take as many roots as possible so the soil can help protect them during transit.

garden with plants and seatingPrepare a temporary nursery in advance

It’s common knowledge that most people relocate during summer. However, this can’t be the perfect time to do the uprooting process for your plants because of the dry weather. To make sure you’ll be able to bring your garden to your new home, build a temporary nursery by digging some trenches. That way, you can accommodate your beautiful flowers and shrubs once you arrive at your new place of abode.

cactis in potsGet your plants back in the ground as soon as possible

Whether you’re moving shrubs or small trees, you need to create a plan for re-planting them as quickly as possible. But before you can do that, consider the weather conditions to make sure you’ll not compromise the safety of your garden.

If you’re moving plants during the winter or autumn, moving so fast can be critical to them. However, the sooner you’ll do the relocation, the better. During these seasons, use a closed vehicle such as truck when transporting your plants to protect them from wind damage. Also, when you’re making a long-distance move, find time to stop and check the levels of moisture of your plants.

car decorated with flowers

On the other hand, moving your garden during the summer means you have to avoid wind and sun. Keep the humidity of the root ball and proceed with the replanting as soon as possible. If possible, get ready with your new home’s planting site before your arrival so you can start re-planting as quickly as possible.

womKeep an eye on your relocated plants

When you decide to move your garden to your new home,  the process continues until you arrive at your specific destination. It’s all about taking care of your relocated plants, flowers, shrubs, and small trees. Find time to watch over them for potential damage. Protect them from direct sunlight for at least a few days so they can adjust to the new conditions of their new house. Above all, don’t forget to water them each day until they can fully regain their strength and start beautifying the garden of your new place.  

wild alliums

Final Thoughts

No matter how hard you try, relocating your plants usually involves a bit of luck. Thus, don’t be surprised if you may lose some plants while in transit. However, with some precautions in place, you can be able to move your entire garden successfully. If you’re moving them for the first time, work with professional moving companies to make sure your plants and the rest of your belongings are safe and intact upon their arrival.

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