I love shopping don’t you?  It’s just the best thing to do with your spare time isn’t it! And what with the Bank Holiday coming up, some of us will have some spare time to bag those bargains!  

I am always on the lookout for a bargain and I have my favourite haunts to go and get them too! So I thought I would share with you my top ten list of favourite shopping destinations and perhaps you can also share yours in the comment section below…

1.  DOBBIES - My favourite thing to buy atm is plants and the best place to get those right now is my local garden center Dobbies...They have been running down all of their spring and summer stock to make way for Autumn and I have been buying bargain after bargain in the plant department.  At first when I started buying plants I didn’t really know much and was buying bedding plants and perennials...but I have now learnt that I have to make the garden bloom all year round and I now need to be buying those hardy shrubs that can withstand frost!

2. EVERY CRAFTS A POUND - Hahaha...well actually it’s not now! but when it first opened, everything was £1.00. These days they have other stuff that is still a blooming good bargain...I found this Company at a Craft Fair at Ally Pally and have used them if I ever need a craft fix...everything is very cheap and very worth a visit.

3.  BOOTSALES - Well what more can I say really! If you want a Bargain go to your local Bootsale. Best to take a list of what you need though, otherwise you can run out of money quite quickly, just buying things on impulse because they are so cheap.

4.  T K MAXX - I love it here. A lot of the time it can be quite messy, but it is a good place to find something unique and much cheaper than the original ticket price. Years ago now, when they first opened...they only had a few stores in the UK and one of them was in Potter's Bar where our late friend Debbie used to live. We used to meet her and her family for lunch and spend the whole afternoon there...Phhew the bargains that were to be had back then was second to none! Those were the days! Personally I think they have spread themselves a bit too thinly, opening so many stores, as I often harper back to those days when an Oilily dress for Rosie was reduced from £110 to a mere £15...but then I suppose nothing lasts forever does it!

5.  POUNDSHOP.COM - sign up and you will instantly become a member...members get special offers that are the Real Deal although shipping is £4.95, you can easily go crazy as they have a lot of stuff that is a complete bargain, so if there is something on there that you want...best to 'bag' them as soon as you can, because they will sell out very quickly!

6.  ALIEXPRESS - good for everything you can think of and very cheap too!

7.  EBAY- There are a lot of sites on ebay that are big concerns on the high street, but have their outlet stores on ebay...argos, schuh, to name a few...Also Ebay is great for searching for items near you, so you dont have to pay for postage...I have bought many an item on here.

8.  LOVE THE SALES - I really do not know how I have ever got along without this brilliant website... upon registering, you click all the brands that you love....your sizes etc and then as you enter the main part of the site, all the sales from your favourite stores are listed....Yes! no time wasting here, as everything is in this one website...if something takes your fancy...click on it and it takes you to that store...perfect for the bargain hunter with not much time on their hands.

9.  ETSY - If you love something unique and handmade...you can spend so much time on here lots of lovely unusual things that will look fabulous on you and in your home!

10. MAIDSTONE TUESDAY MARKET - My Freddy used to sell here many moons ago...It used to be a brilliant second hand market and still is today...a market that is, but not sure if there is as much second hand stuff there! ...but what I like about it the best is that they have a growers market undercover...you can get so many good quality plants and veggies here from the growers themselves...thus making it good value for money and fresh as a daisy.

So they they are - my favourite 10 Bargain hunting haunts...I must say though I love them all equally for different reasons, so do please have a click through and see if you can bag a bargain too! All pictures have been taken from the Old Rectory Sales that we used to go too and piccy No 5 was actually a hoard that we purchased there one time...I loved buying there...they no longer have them now, but I understand that Madeline has a shop called Weathered and Worn in Hadlow Kent, which I would very much like to go and visit one day..Have you been there? Right so off I trot...I hope you have enjoyed this post and I hope you all have a lovely Bank Holiday Weekend shopping!

PS...Don't forget the boot sales are on Sunday and Monday this weekend!

Love Happy x

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