[My Mother-in-Laws Patio]

Low Effort Tips for The Lazy Gardener…Whilst we all love a beautiful garden, that doesn’t mean we are all ready to roll up our sleeves. Some of you will hate the idea of spending the summer turning over soil and watering plants. Let’s face it – gardening is a lot of work. But, what if someone who will remain nameless told you that you could have your cake and eat it. Would you be interested? Good, because it is possible to cultivate an awesome garden even if you are a lazy gardener. All you have to do is get creative and think outside of the box. Because being creative involves being active, you might find it difficult, which is why this post is worth a read!

planting up on the potting table

Think About Plant Geography

The garden isn’t big enough for every plant to thrive unless you consider the geography. Quite simply, the location of the plants and flowers will affect their lifespan. As long as you put them in the right spot, most plants will thrive without much attention from yours truly. The difficult part is finding out where to put the seeds, yet that isn’t impossible. The trick is trial and error. Try and plant seeds all around the garden and note which ones prosper and which die. Also, consider the changing conditions and how they affect the garden. For example, everything will need sunlight to grow, which is why you want to point them in the direction of the sun’s rays. If they are not in the sun’s arc, they won’t get the nutrients they need to live.

[Pretty Flowers ready to plant in my old Cottage]

Plant Companions

Sadly, living organisms tend to compete for food and water and plants are no different. In fact, they are the worst offenders because they will gladly kill off their neighbours for their gain. As you can tell, this is a lot of work for the gardener as they constantly end up back at square one. The good news is that some plants are not natural born killers. Instead, they act as companions that help other flowers bloom. Mint is a prime example as the strong scent confuses and deters pests from eating your crops. Lavender, on the other hand, attracts welcome insects such as bees, and they help pollinate the other plants. Some even grow big enough to provide shelter from the elements.

Pink David Austen Roses in a vintage blue watering can sitting on chair in the garden

Mix Materials

Of course, everyone wants their garden to pop with colour, especially in the summer. However, an obsession with plants isn’t the way to go if you are lazy. Regardless of which ones you choose, they will always need some care and attention. What you want are materials that you can forget about for months on end, yet that still look the part. With that in mind, it is time to focus on using stone and wood in the garden as well as plants and flowers. For one thing, these elements add a new contrast that is striking. More than that, stone and wood are easy to maintain. Using railway sleepers for flower beds and flags as paving stones means you won’t have to bother hitting the garden all summer. Sure, they might get dirty, but a simple power washer will clear away the dirt and grime. When it comes to garden materials, there aren’t many things as low-maintenance.

[You can’t beat Geraniums for low maintenance]

Can You Dig It?

The answer to that question is no! Normally, cultivating and maintaining a garden involves a lot of digging. After all, it is important to turn over the soil for the sake of the plants. Or is it that important? Over thousands of years, plants have evolved to thrive in their conditions. For the most part, the soil isn’t turned over because the majority of vegetation is wild. As such, they don’t mind having to do the dirty work. This is great news for you because it means you don’t have to bother with a spade and a rake.  All you need to do is place a wet piece of cardboard over the soil and put a hole in it. Once you add the mulch the seeds will do the rest.

old cottage garden with outside loo

Attract Wildlife

The previous paragraph spoke about the need for pollinators, but they aren’t the only insects you want to attract. There is a host of animals that will help your garden, and want them in your corner.  Take the humble ladybird for instance.  Usually, you would see it as a beautifully colourful insect that is a tad fragile. In truth, it is a hungry predator that eats plant pests. Frogs, meanwhile, eat large prey such as slugs and flies.

See, you don’t have to be Alan Titchmarsh to create an amazing garden.

Bye for now my lovelies,

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