Even though I no longer own a Vintage Caravan, I still love to look at them at every opportunity! Pinterest is a good source to find interesting pictures and also typing the subject into Google brings up some pretty amazing pictures too...But just lately, I have been looking at my own! And Boy! Have I taken some!

So I thought I would add some here, to give you gals and guys some inspiration if you are starting a caravan project and need some eye candy...some of the pictures I have blogged about and some are new ones…

I miss sitting in my caravan creating artwork and catching the odd afternoon snooze, but I have substituted the caravan now for my garden, I really do love gardening and have bought a whole host of plants to fill it up! You see it is a new garden and needs to get more established, hence me blogging a lot about gardening on here of late!

Anyways! Enough of that...Please enjoy the pictures and I hope they give you plenty of Caravan Inspiration.


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This is a picture of inside our Vintage Holivan, which is featured above!
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This was a photoshoot of Rosie, when she was 18, we were promoting a lot of vintage aprons at the time!

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This picture was taken a few years ago when Abacus cards came for afternoon tea, oh and of course to take pictures for Happy Birthday Cards!

This is when I had to say goodbye! We were moving and couldn’t fit Holi in our new back garden!

...And here we have a treat for the eyes!...



This is my dear friend Sue’s caravan, she no longer has hers either and we often meet up and reminisce about them...I was going to add them to my blog ages ago, but then she had to sell it and I never shared it on here...She always says that I was the inspiration behind her little van...but I think she is just being polite *Blush* because her caravan is so her!




I hope you liked all the pictures and that you found inspiration in them!

...and please do remember that if you are currently in the middle of a vintage caravan make-over, you can share your story with us on here...just email me the pics and details and I will feature you!

All the best and cheerio for now,
Love Happy x

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