Sunny Side Up : Homes That Flourish in The Summer

The days are getting longer, air is getting warmer and some of us unlucky folk are dealing with all the allergies the bright seasons bring around. But besides that, Summer should be a time that we all look forward to and live to the fullest. Your home can play a huge role in that. Don’t let Summer dominate you by making things too hot and too stuffy. These are the changes you can make that welcome the Summer and invites it to create the happiest home you’ve enjoyed all year.
Don’t swelter
You might very well love the increase in temperatures we’re going to be seeing but that doesn’t mean you want them totally ruling your roost. If you’ve never fully conquered the heat of a Summer house, then tips from places like ‘Here’ might help you see what you’ve been missing. For instance, if it’s getting too hot, it might sound counter-intuitive to shut your curtains during the warmest times of day, but it does stop heat from getting in. If you’re not using them, then turn off the appliances of the home, as well. They all generate heat and it can build to be too much if you’re not careful.
Open the house to the outside

If the home feels too stuffy, then you might want to go in the opposite direction and open it up to the outdoors a little more. For instance, if heavy curtains and creating too much shade across the room, swap them out for lighter window treatments like just blinds. You can go an extra step and open up a room entirely with bifold doors. Suppliers like can even help you style the doors to fit the rest of the aesthetic of the home. Perfect for those who like the comforts of home while still enjoying the feel of Summer.
Have a garden worth spending time in

If have a lot of garden space, then now is the time to consider conquering it. It doesn’t take a lot of work to add decking to a spacious garden, for instance. You can even totally DIY it. All in service of creating an outside dining or entertainment area where you can enjoy the peace of the home but without having to shut yourself away from the outdoors. If you prefer a bit more privacy in your garden, consider adding some hedges which serve as great noise insulators as well.

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Enjoy those Summer nights

Night-time during the Summer might be even better for you during the day. Don’t go indoors when the sun starts going away. Instead, enjoy the full effect of the night breeze playing against the seasonal heat. Spruce up that relaxation and entertainment area of your garden with decent lighting for a garden that stays warm and comfortably atmospheric no matter what the time. If you love entertaining people in the garden, then you might even want to think about setting up an outdoor cinema....which would be soooo coool!
Get some life in there

Of course, just because the weather’s getting better doesn’t mean that you want to be spending every minute of every day inside. Instead, why not invite the season indoors? Summer is the best time to line your windowsills with colourful houseplants. There are plenty of low-effort ones if you’re the kind of person who might run the risk of forgetting about them and letting them wilt. Houseplants aren’t just pretty, but they’re a great mood booster and they even play a role in keeping the heat from getting too overbearing indoors.
Expect more guests

If you love Summer, one of the reasons might be because it gives you much more opportunity to be social. After all, we don’t tend to invite friends over to the garden as much when it’s all gloomy outside. So, make sure that your home is ready for those guests. Not just regarding your garden, but take the time to spruce up and reorganise your guest a Summer ready home is a lot easier to enjoy when you have someone to show it off too!.
A home really should be designed to fit with the owner’s most favourite time of year. If you love winter, then cosy hygge stylings are going to be right up your street. Whereas if you’re a person who loves nothing more than the sun, the flowers, and the heat of Summer, then the tips above should help you build a home just right for that sunny lifestyle.

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Love Happy x

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