...So Let The Big Garden Clean Up Begin!
Now that Autumn has officially arrived, it’s time to get back in your garden. Once summer comes to an end, many homeowners think that they don’t need to garden until next year. However, this is untrue. Autumn is an essential time for gardening. It allows you to clear away the debris from summer and get your outdoor space ready for the colder weather ahead. Not doing so could mean your garden gets damaged and stop looking it’s best. It can also give you more work to do next year to return it to it’s former glory. So if you want to enjoy your garden for a little longer, let the Autumn clear up begin.
Rejuvenate your lawn
Autumn is the perfect time to breathe new life back into your lawn if it’s been damaged by the summer sunshine. Start by giving your lawn a cut with your lawn mower then remove all grass clippings from the surface with a rake. This will keep it looking fresh and tidy rather than wild and overgrown. Autumn often brings inclement weather, so you need to ensure your lawn’s drainage is up to scratch too. Use a pitchfork to create holes across your entire lawn or install drainage solutions like catch basins. To really help your lawn withstand the winter weather, cover your lawn with an autumn lawn feed. This will promote growth and keep your lawn looking lush and green.
Plant some evergreens
A garden without any evergreens can look lifeless during the winter. So if your garden doesn’t currently have any, now is the perfect time to buy and plant some. There are many different types of evergreen to choose from. Daphne evergreen plants can flower during the coldest of winters and fill your outdoor space with life. Bay and holly bushes are also popular and welcomed additions to any garden. Head to your local garden center to see what possible options you have.

Before you start buying evergreens, make sure you weed and remove any dead plants from your flower beds. This will allow you to see just how much space you have and what gaps you need to fill. Put all dead plants, weeds and leaves that you remove into your compost bin ready for next year.
Remove shade
Shade can be beneficial during the summer to help keep your garden cool. But once winter arrives, the days become shorter and less sunlight will enter your garden. So it’s vital that you ensure your garden gets as much of it as possible by removing the shade from your outdoor space. Cut back trees and climbing plants which could be blocking the sunlight from smaller plants and bushes. Also, remove any trellis fencing you have and clean the windows of your greenhouse if you have one. That way you can maximise the light and help your garden look better for longer.

With the help of this guide, you can prepare your garden for winter while also keeping it looking fabulous for the autumn. Why not buy an outdoor heater so you can continue entertaining in your beautiful garden, even when the temperature drops.

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