Luxury Vinyl Plank Flooring
Here we go again I can hear you mutter!
It's like waiting for buses isn't it!
None at all and then 2 come along at the same time!

I seem to have my blogging mojo back lol!  I know I have posted quite a few posts of late, But I just had to let you know about my new flooring and how blooming brilliant it is! Ok so before you roll your eyes and fall asleep...Please read on if you are considering buying a new floor covering and if you're not, read on anyway as you never know this post could change your life! HaHaHa. Well I can't promise that it will change your life but it will help to educate you a little, for when you do need too!

Right lets get back with the programme!
When we viewed this house we were over the moon, as you can imagine! but more so for the fact that it had a wooden floor (perfect for doing wheelies in the wheelchair lol!), walking over it with shoes on,  well it just felt and looked like another hardwood floor...but once we moved in and started walking around with our shoes off...well it just felt different!

It felt cushiony and warm, it also has grooves in it, which we have since found out that it is non slip!  Whilst moving furniture in and out of rooms, there was a few ocassions where I didn't want to look at the floor for fear that it had marked...infact there was a few ocassions like that and each time there was no markings, dents or scratches at all...

Luxury Vinyl Plank Flooring @ happy loves rosie
I decided to investigate and had a look online to see what my floor was made of, because it looks so much like wood but feels springy and warm under the feet.  I came across the GoHaus website and had a good ole look around and realised that my floor was Luxury Vinyl Flooring! Na! surely not Vinyl! Vinyl can be cheap and floor is just the bestest!

Well Yep! It has been confirmed by the builders that I then contacted to find out more!
This is 21st Century Luxury Vinyl Flooring and I can tell ya gals that it don't come much better than this stuff! It's non slip, warm underfoot, easy to keep clean, hardwearing, reasonable on price and looks so like wood...oh Gosh I feel like doing an advert lol!

It has so many plus points for us...apart from all of the's perfect for Freddy to get around in his wheelchair...It's non slip and therefore much safer for both Rosie and Freddy what with all of their EDS problems and its also good for little Max who is 98 in doggy years, who has little accidents now and again  (Bless!)

Luxury Vinyl Plank Flooring @ happy loves rosie
So the conclusion of this Post is to PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE if you are thinking of buying wood flooring, that can be slippery when wet...and very expensive ...Please go with Luxury Vinyl, there are so many patterns to choose from and especially if you live in a flat or maisonette!'s so much kinder to the neighbours lol!

(PS - sorry about the quality of the pictures of late...lots have been taken on my mob phone or hudl and they both have rotten cameras - should be back to normal pictures taken on my camera soon ;))

What type of floor do you have?
Have you ever considered buying luxury vinyl flooring?


  1. While we have hardwood floors and love them, I was so amazed to see your floors. I thought they were wood and are just beautiful. Wonderful what they can do nowadays with new things coming along all the time. Can't wait to see how you decorate your new home. I am sure it will be bright and cheery. Have a wonderful day.

  2. Thanks so much for posting this. I have vinyl flooring ordered for my kitchen, to cover the existing hardwood floor which is now beyond re-sanding and re-varnishing and just needs hidden! I've been a bit dubious about replacing it because it's such a large are to cover but now I'm sure I've made the right choice, when I see your beautiful floors. Can't wait until May (just replaced my stair carpet so have to save up again for the kitchen floor) when I'll have a warm and comfortable floor, just like yours. Your new house is coming along beautifully. Thanks for sharing.x


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