the happy and rosie pout
I've just gotta tell ya, what a lovely time we had last week in London when we went to the Amara Blog Awards!...Rosie and I drove to London all the way from our home near Rochester in Kent.  We left about 3 o'clock in the afternoon and arrived in plenty of time in London to have a look around the shops and have a bit of dinner.

rickshaw at covent garden
The first thing we did was catch a ride on this here, rickshaw....oh the cyclist was so funny!  he was waiting for us just outside the NCP car park and took us to Covent Garden! Now usually you can see me before you hear me! but on this occasion, everyone was looking at the both of us squealing and laughing very loudly, as he rode the bike from side to side and as fast as the speed of light! oh how funny! we had a ball and we had only just arrived!
Happy at and American Diner
...after a bit of shopping, we decided to have some dinner and because I had my lovely Voodoo Vixen Rockabilly dress on it felt just right that we should head into this American Diner! Rosie and I love steak, so here I am having mine with a couple of eggs easy over! and some lovely cheesy chips! Yum Yum!...we were having such a good laugh that we completely lost track of we hurried out of there and caught a London Taxi straight to the Rosewood Hotel...which turned out to be more or less just around the corner...
The Rosewood Hotel happy loves rosie
...And what an impressive hotel it is indeedy! infact I was just saying to Rosie 'I wonder how far it is' when she nudged me and told me to look in her direction and both our jaws dropped! as we approached the archway leading into the courtyard....honestly this hotel is a total dream...oh yes! I could quite easily be convinced to stay here for the night, if I had a spare £1000 that is! yes! a night in this hotel would set you back at least £1000! ...oh a gal can dream ay!
Happy and Rosie at Rosewood Hotel
As we stepped through the doors and along the hallway, we were greeted by the lovely ladies from the Amara team who ticked our names on the list...then we were free to rome around the dimly lit mirror room where there was a plentiful flow of  champagne and cocktails, along with tasty looking canapes to tempt a couple of gals who were already full up on a steak and cheesy chips!
 Amara Blogging Elite Mood Board
Take a look at me here! I never thought I would see the day, that lil ole me would be photographed along with some of my favourite idolistic bloggers...but there I am! cool is that!
Happy and Rosie in the Mirror Room
So in typical Happy style...I took a glass of champagne (I am a teetotal gal) sipped it a few times (probably nerves) put it down and started chatting away to different peeps...and boy can I chat! so after a while...I needed another up I go to the bar (now remember! I had only had a couple of sips of champagne at this point coz I don't see I am a Sagittarius and we can be ever so clumsy at the best of drink and me just don't mix!) and with my large Mary Poppins style bag, I swished it onto my arm and knocked a glass over onto the floor, smashing it to smitherines! (you can't take me anywhere! and point proven!) oh no the embarrassment didn't stop there! no! I then asked the bar man for a non Halcholic drink! OMG! it was so funny! Rosie and I could not stop laughing! Once we start we just can't stop!...
Happy Harris in her Voodoo Vixen dress
Here I am in my lovely Voodoo Vixen plus size dress that I wore especially for the awards...I must say if you need a lovely Rockabilly dress, these are the gals to buy one dress was about £64.00 so not bad at all and I can tell you that I felt a million dollars in it...I received so many compliments...even the barman (and after I disgraced myself) came over to me and said what a lovely dress it was!
Amara Blog Awards
So shortly after the 'said' bar incident, it was time for the ceremony! we all had to be a little hush hush!...The compare forgot her glasses, which was a tad unfortunate making the first few sections a bit school fete raffle' category was second...and I was sure Will from Bright Bazaar was going to win! but she announced him as the runner up! well by this butterflies were having kittens! I thought OMG pleeeeeease let me be the winner! but alas it wasn't to be...The actual Best Colour Inspiration Award went to Little Big Bell...another Mother and daughter team! (strange dat!)
Amara Goody Bag
Our consolation prize was the goody bag, packed with some pretty cool items!
Rosie and I had a fabulous was a day to remember...something to tell the grandchildren!
...and I still felt like a the sheer thought that I was shortlisted, by you, my lovely followers...well for me that is the best prize of know that you still love me, even though my posts have been a bit sporadic of late (i'll let you know about that soon)...
I know I have you all by my side and that Rocks!
so a BIG THANK YOU goes out to you all!

...and please if you are interested...check out the winners HERE

Bye for now my lovelies x

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