Stop searching for “happy ever after” and get happy right now

It seems we’re all on the hunt for happiness. Whether it’s a dream job, losing weight or winning the lottery, we all believe there’s one amazing thing that will put a permanent smile on our face. 

But instead of reaching for the improbable dream, why not do little things every day that bring a splash of joy into your life?
 Here are a few things that make me happy right now.

Looking back
They say the past is in the past and that you should never look back.  But I love it when a random memory from my youth pops into my head and gives me something to smile about.  If my brain needs a bit of a memory jog, I treat it to an old photo album or a mix tape created by a long ago friend.

How to get your happy hit
An old movie will always brings a smile to my face – Mary Poppins, Casablanca and Singin’ in the Rain all make me feel good and evoke a time already forgotten by so many. 

Staying in
Snuggling up on the sofa in a fluffy dressing gown clutching a toasty hot water bottle is my idea of a good night in. But I draw the line at a mug of hot cocoa.  Instead I swap a warming beverage for a slinky liqueur served in a swanky glass and head to the virtual bright lights of the online casino.  Most sites offer free play, so I’m not taking any big risks, but I do get a buzz out of playing and it gives me a well deserved break from the usual stresses of life.
  How to get your happy hit...
If you’ve never played at an online casino, go to a helpful review site to guide your choice. Try Here for lots of hints and tips. It’s based in South Africa but don’t worry, you don’t have to play in Rands!

Going out
I love being outdoors. Reading a book by a babbling brook while sipping from a flask of tea is one of the most peaceful ways I can think of to spend an hour or two.  Cooking outdoors makes me happy too. I don’t mean burning a man-size steak on the garden grill, but toasting some marshmallows on a stick or baking a foil-wrapped potato in its jacket beneath the still hot embers of an open fire.
  How to get your happy hit
Grab a pile of old postcards and a fountain pen and head off to the park with a picnic blanket. Spend an hour writing quick notes to friends and loved ones and really mean it when you write: Wish you were here . . .

Getting crafty
Creating something new – usually out of something old – can totally absorb me and give me an instant glow.  It’s so satisfying to admire your finished work and when you give your crafts as a gift, you get to bring a smile to someone else’s face too. It’s win/win! 

How to get your happy hit

Paint a pebble, make your own greetings cards or stencil a fabulous image on your bedroom wall. Go to Pinterest, craft shops or the library for more ideas. Even better, join a local craft group.

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