It's my Rosie's 21st Birthday on Friday and although she is now supposed a fully fledged adult, she is really just a kid at heart! (aren't we all!)
 She loves to wear character clothes mixed with vintage clothing and new finds, so needless to say, she has her own unique style!...not being afraid of being different at all!...but rather loving it and gets a 'kick' out of her friends saying that they would never wear what she likes!
 So whilst browsing on the web for pressie ideas, I came across this Bedding range, oh what lovely stuff they have, I can really see her diggin' the Minnie Mouse cushions for her room...she already has Hello Kitty on her these will fit in nicely! 
I also love this Leopard Print and Rose Duvet Cover, a lovely bold pattern...teamed with the geek chic and zebra cushions... 
I know she would love these things for her bedroom, so I will be buying her a few things from this well as a good few more surprises! sshhh! I can't tell all here, she might be listening! lol!  it's a BIG Birthday after it's worth treating her to a few more extra things...she sure does deserve it, after all the trauma she has been through over the years...

Until next time...



  1. Looks like Momma
    is having fun!

  2. Happy Birthday to Rosie!!! Make sure to get her a bottle of pink bubbly. xxo

  3. Happy Birthday to Rosie <3 I hope you have a WONDERFUL day :)
    Ooooo...the big 21! In the U.S. that means it's legal to drink alcohol so 21 is a BIG deal! At my age though, a celebratory birthday drink means indulging in a pricey Starbucks ;P
    Smiles, DianeM

  4. Happy sweet blessed birthday to Rosie.


  5. Have a Happy 21st Rosie..I know your Mum will make it special for you..Don't you worry about being different..different is what keeps life from being boring! Hugs sweet girl!

  6. Happy Special Birthday to Rosie! You have such an awesome eye, anything you choose will be just perfect!

  7. Happy Birthday Rosie! I'm glad to hear she is still young at heart, that keeps people fun. The room ideas are so cute. I'm sure it will turn out lovely!

  8. The Minnie Mouse bedding is fantastic!! I love it!!


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