Spring is finally here...I have had a little peep into my garden and its definitely time to get my boots on and potter about out there...

I didn't do much in the garden last year...and 'boy' am I paying for it this year! I should of cut down a lot of overgrown bushes, but didn't...and now they are soooooo overgrown, its going to take me a month of Sundays to get it done!...but the sun helps doesn't it...the warmth on your back...the birds twittering...ahhh Bliss!

Right now I can hear my neighbours mowing their lawn, children playing and laughing, birds a tweeting and bee's buzzing...

The Easter weekend is looming and I am soooo prepared...I have bought my work tools and I will be out there with the rest of them pruning and shaping...I will also be purchasing my famous red geraniums...which I plant in the garden every year...they are so hardy and look good even if you forget to water them.
Another thing on my list of 'to do's' is to paint my little green Holivan...the sun has bleached the side over the years and she is in desperate need of a repaint..
So I have been shopping around on-line and found a great choice of colours HERE
...But I am still not sure about the colour to paint the white one.
...Perhaps, you could throw me a few ideas :)
 Even though I know it will be a lot of hard work, it is probably best that I start on the outside of the caravan first, because its the job that I am not looking forward to doing most!...because it lives under the tree, it has this horrible mossy green stuff on the roof and I know I will have to scrub like mad to get it off...so I am going to need a miracle paint to repaint it with to repel this from happening again...any ideas?
Then the fun will begin...when I get to work inside....
Freddie has told me I can have both caravans, as he is finding it hard to get comfortable in the little green one...so I might rip out the beds and draw unit and put a free-standing table at the end so that a more comfortable chair can be used...I'll have to add some kind of mat underneath though to stop the chair from marking the floor...as i would like a chequer board floor...Soooo Retro ay!  ;)

...What will you be doing this weekend?Are you doing some DIY...or are you having a traditional Easter with Family and Friends?

Until next time xx


  1. I was in the garden(fighting with weeds) yesterday and was think the same thing about the sounds of the garden as I was dive bombed by a bee :0

  2. Lovely pics! We are camping out at our little house in Wiltshire for the Easter weekend. Haven't started renovating yet.

  3. Oh your caravans are so lovely - I would paint the white one duck egg blue or a minty green. The mossy stuff on the caravan can be an absolute pain, I used to use a caravan wash that had wax in it, this didn't stop the mossy stuff but it did make it easier to wash off. Your garden looks lovely. We have two birthday celebrations this easter weekend, our grandson and my mother so lots of cake will be consumed - yummy!

  4. It sounds like you will be very busy! I love that little toy truck and camper.

    Amy Jo

  5. Family Easter dinner. Cant wait to see how you get is redone. I hope your Easter is fun and wonderfully blessed.


  6. I always enjoy seeing your gardens even if they are overgrown. Your white wicker furniture is so charming.

    You have a BIG job in painting the caravans. I will go look at your link for paint choices but I always love a duck egg blue, especially with all your reds and pink roses. Oh I LOVE that pale blue tin with a soft pink rose in your first photo.

    I look forward to seeing your reno on your holivans. xxo Kerrie

  7. Oooooh I do love that paint!!! I wish they sold it here. So the colors I like are:
    Beach Blue
    Sweet Pea
    White Daisy

    Have fun Happy xxo

  8. I love seeing your backyard and caravans again..I would paint one in a retro aqua color and the other in a lovely pink..both colors that are in your home..I also have so much work to do in the garden..We will be having a couple of friends over for a meal on Easter..Have a Happy Easter Happy, Freddie and kids!

  9. I live in a 1969 town and country mobile home in East Texas,USA. I live with trees all around and that green gets on my house as well. I simply put bleach (full strength) in a spray bottle and spray that green away. It simply disappears after a bit of waiting. Then spray it with the hose to rinse. Works great for me,hope it does for you as well. Love your cherry blog. Blessings

  10. So cute! I love vintage trailers! I think the white one would be pretty in pink and white of a light blue like your polka dot coffee pot. Looking forward to seeing what you choose and the end result! Hugs, Leena

  11. I love your blog and love your pics! Just up my street.. I wish it was in my garden! Ha ha! Lovely! Suzie xx

  12. Sound like some busy/ fun times ahead!


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