I have decided to go back to basics and add a blog link list on my site...when I started blogging we all used to feature our favourite blogs on our sites and with each other by leaving comments on our blogs. 

Holly Becker from Decor8's post HERE got me thinking about a Back to Basics approach again...Her title post 'Resolve to be Happy' really hit a chord with me and I absolutely agree with everything that she has written...(its a long post, but keep up with it - its very good!) If you are a new blogger or have been around the block a bit, this is really good advice for all.
 Perhaps I have got slightly displacent about blogging...but the excuse is life simply got in the way and last year, I sunk lower and lower and nearly gave up my blog all together, because it never seemed to have the fun factor that it used to have in the early years...
So even though I have been infected up to the eyeballs with a nasty tooth infection for much of the New Year up until now...it has given me the time to sort out in my mind the type of blogger I want to be...So I have given myself a new look, I couldn't go completely plain, like a lot of other blogs these days, so your be glad to know it will always be a happy place to visit with plenty of colour blasting out all over.
I am going ahead with the Vintage Caravan Interviews, so if you have a Vintage Caravan and want to feature it on my blog, please email me HERE
And as I said at the start, I will be adding a blog list to my columns, to start they will be full of the people that supported me when I first started blogging and of course I welcome all my readers to email me HERE if you to wish to swap links with me too.

There! That's good! I've got that out of my system!

Bye for now my lovelies xxx


  1. Your blog is so print rich with bright colors - just makes me want to hang around more.

    Just wishing you a happy year - I'm out visiting blogs tonight. Take care. D.

  2. Dear Happy, I cannot imagine a life without your blog, taking a peek everyday if there is something new, going back again and again to your vintage caravan just because I adore it so much. You have great taste and you are a good writer and I am soooo glad you didn't decide to stop blogging. I wish you all the best in 2014 and certainly hope you stay in blog world. Hugs, Ebru

  3. Your blog is one that initially inspired me to blog, but more than that, to explore my true style. I also have a fun side to my decorating and whenever I need inspiration or confidence, your blog is one I go to. You are amazing! Thank you for the time you spend to share with us.

  4. I always enjoy your blog. I am glad you won't be giving it up. It is cheerful and fun. I love it.

    Amy Jo

  5. My dear,
    please...don't leave us here!!! I will miss you and your happy pictures sooooo much!!!!!
    I have YOU in my list for a long time and one of your great freebies with link in my sidebar!!! ;-)
    Have a nice weekend,
    hugs and kisses,

  6. I found you blog whilst recovering from an op' and it really cheered me up!I am moving into a little cottage soon (fingers crossed)and am going to make it ''Happy''..thank you for inspiring me! Keep up the Blog,please! :)

  7. Oh Happy..I so enjoy your bright and colorful blog..Please don't leave..Hugs!

  8. I'm a newer follower but you have a lovely blog. You can loose your way sometimes on blogs can't you. I often read peoples posts on my phone and then don't always comment which is something I plan to do more of this year.


  9. I could see that if the Bliss Factor of Blogging subsides it could lose it's lustre. I'm glad you didn't throw in the towel because your Blog has always Uplifted because it is a Happy place to come to, full of Vibrant Color and Cheerful Vignettes. Glad you have decided to get back to the basics that drew you in to Blog in the beginning. And promoting those Blogs we Love is part of the Appeal since I have Discovered many a Fav Blog that way via Blogs I Love and already visited, who Guided me to others who Supported each other or made each other Smile.

    Happy New Year from the Arizona Desert... Dawn... The Bohemian

  10. Honestly your blog always makes me happy. Lots of color, organized chaos, love it all. It's always a wonderful visit. Thank you for continuing.

    little e

  11. I absolutely love your blog - please don't leave and please, please, please don't ever change your wonderful style. I get so tired of seeing all of the Pottery Barn, Nordic, Restoration Hardware & modern farmhouse designs,where everything is all gray, greige and white. Don't get me wrong, I love the neutral look, but there is just so much of it. What I really love are all of the bright & happy colors - just like your home. I have gotten so many decorating ideas from you because you are fearless when it comes to color!!!

  12. Glad you are continuing to blog.....it was finding your blog a few years ago which gave to idea for my kitchen scheme !! XX

  13. So glad you chose to stay with the bright happy colors! Love your style and pictures and comments! so don't stop!

  14. Such beautiful images! Made me smile a lot :)


Thanks for leaving a comment...I really do appreciate your kind words xx