I was searching through my many many pictures, only to come across these, which I am sure I have not shown you before...They were taken about 8 years ago now, when Freddy and I decided to have a big clear out and take our wares to an Antique Fair.
It was a little while before Fred had his heart attack, so he could help me a little bit, but he still was suffering from his disabilitating Ehler Danlos Syndrome, which makes his joints ache all over, so although he could drive me there in that great big old van...he couldn't actually lift the stuff out of it or anything!...Gosh I was so fit then!
I managed to get everything out of the van myself and although he used to help me with the displays, he couldn't help me with the actual setting everything up and all...so I used to do all of that!...Gosh those days were hard graft for me!
...and needless to say we did not carry on doing them for long...

When I look at these and all the wonderful stuff that i would die to have now...it just makes me think that my taste has never really changed!...some of the things I still have and some I know I have sold many moons ago!
Oh Look at this lovely tea set...Yum Yum, spotty glasses, vintage table cloth and Pyrex dish!...And lets not forget the enamel!

The thing I miss most about doing these Fairs, is talking to people...Yep I miss the old banter that comes with having a stall,as back in the day, when Fred and I were youngsters, we used to have our own business selling Vintage clothes at Markets...which we loved doing.  Then it was hard work even though we were in our prime...We used to take it in turns to sell at different towns and the people that we met, became good friends of ours!  The market stall holders were the salt of the earth and we would always all look out for each other, whether it be looking after their stalls or helping them pack up at the end of the day!

This day and age...and later on when I owned my own little bricks and mortar shop I soon realised that shop holders were not the same as the market traders that we were used to! Oh no Siree!...they are more competitive and if they see you doing well...they would soon copy your ideas!

I had my shop for 7 years...I suppose you could say it was the 7 year itch that made me want to let it go! but I could no longer take anymore...the constant competition was making me ill...at least when you sell at a market...and a secondhand one at that...no one knows what you will be bringing to sell!...and we all had a respect for one another at the markets..only really buying what we liked and not getting envious of other sellers....

Ahh Nostalgia ay!...so perhaps a little part of me (in the New Year) will take my wares on the road again, to get out there and meet some new market people...do any of you run markets or fairs that you think I might be interested in?

And what have been your experiences selling at these places?
Are they competitive or are they as fun as i remember?

Bye for now my lovelies...
& Thanks for stopping by and leaving a comment below xx


  1. I agree with what you say..but as an outdoor craft-seller who only makes and sells one of everything, believe me, those other sellers are competitive too..the year after I got started at a weekly market, suddenly other sellers with strangely similar things jumped on my bandwagon..I'm getting older too, and have always set up and torn down myself, not to mention making everything myself, so it is getting more difficult..but I still love the social interaction, and yes, some sellers (a very few!) have become friends, and some buyers too..
    Good fortune in all your endeavors...

  2. I do enjoy a walk down memory lane. Your wares always make me happy! I dare say the world has changed and you are right about all the copying and competing. It is enough to want to shut down. It does make me cherish all the more all the kind ladies i meet along the way and thr friendships made too. I say you should get out there and try again and just enjoy yourself. Xo

  3. Hiya, loved having a read of your blog! Can't believe you were selling at this stuff - I would love to have those pretty things in my house! I'm house hunting at the moment so I think all my decor will be sourced from charity shops and fairs :) Take care, Emma x


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