Please go on over and meet Piipi and Ankku...they have a shop that I so wished was in my local town...its full of clarity and colourful things just how we like it ;) xx

They also have a website too...if you are feeling a little flush :)
Go and visit them HERE

Oh and by the way...the website is in please view with GOOGLE CHROME as they will translate all pages for you automatically...SIMPLES :D

Heart It  


  1. They have lovely things on their website dear..but I can't read a word..What language is it??

  2. Hi Happy!! LOVE the things they carry but like Nancy, I, too, cannot read it! Is there a way to translate it, that you know of?

  3. It's in Finnish, which I don't understand, but do recognise as I had a Finnish colleague at school. Not sure if you can translate the website though, unless you do it piecemeal by Google translate. Indeed a lovely cheerful shop!

  4. hello me lovelies...I have google chrome and the whole page gets translated for me...sorry i thought you would be able to get their pages translated too, perhaps download google chrome is good :D xx


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