a little pretty piccie
 Mum, Rosie and I had a lovely time at the Lion King...it was a fabulous show and I would definitely recommend it to all...Mum treated us to lunch at Bill's my most favourite Restaurant in Covent Garden right now and needless to say we had to buy some fabulooooous  foodie goodies from there as always,,,

 Mum and Rosie
 And yes i did get a hammering from Mum about my hair...lol it was quite funny actually, because when I dyed my hair bright pillar box red, she didn't speak to me for a while until all her friends told me how much they liked it...and when she saw my new brown hair complete with blonde mallen streak, she instantly told me how much she hated it and that it made me look a lot older, I was prepared for her not liking it, but she still has the power to make me feel totally crap about myself.

Rosie outside The Lyceum Theatre

In the end it was me who had the last laugh though, because one of hers and my friends, a lady called Eileen, who I used to work with when I was a Saturday girl at WHSmiths back in the day, asked my Mum who was i with...and when my Mum told her it was Rosie my daughter...Eileen (my bestest friend ever) said that i didn't look old enough to have a daughter that age lol! Oh how I laughed!
Bills Restaurant...named after my late Dad!
....And then what also made my day was that when we pulled up outside my Mum's house, there were two little girls playing out on their bikes and they were really lovely and chatty little gals...and they immediately said that they liked my hair and they also thought that Rosie and I were sisters, not Mother and daughter!...well again needless to say I had a big grin on my face and inwardly stuck two fingers up to my Mum, in the nicest possible way of course lol!
Bill's unique style
what kind of compliments have you had lately...in other words... what has made you grin from ear to ear recently.



  1. I have a photo in front of that theatre when I was in London a few years back and it put a smile on my face. I go to UK to see Michael Ball.

  2. Very nice, thanks for sharing.

  3. North Americans don't usually get the 'two finger' thing. We just think it means 'peace man'. My hubs is from Britain and he has sooooooo edumicated me about all things English!

  4. Such a lovely post. I have the same problem with my dad when it comes to hair colour/tattoos/clothes. He has, and no doubt always will have, an idea of how his daughter should look and head to toe in tattoos and bright red hair isn't it. Despite my numerous attempts at making him realise that I'm being myself and having these things makes ME happy he still doesn't understand or approve so I've come to accept the look of disappoint while still feeling the need to hid a new tattoo to avoid a lecture. Parents hey?
    One thing you can count on though is the honesty of children and these girls obviously said it how it is and I'm sure you look great. Keep being you, that's the best thing you can do!


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