Happily Getting Organised.  

  This week I have tried to get a bit organised…I have finally sorted out my craft room…which is actually my laundry room/walk through/cold house…but I have decided to put all my crafty things in there to make space in here (the dining room) for all my goodies…

…And I think I have it all sorted, it was really nice yesterday, packing up parcels to send from my website in the Dining room, knowing where everything was, really helped and it was a joy to use my new Box in a Box, (top pic) cardboard organiser too!

I ordered this from an ebay seller and rather than having all my pens, scissors and tape in a pencil case…I can now see what I have in front of me…so I think I have solved that messy problem too….hey get me! I’m cooking on Gas this week! lol!

I think I have had the ‘Let’s get organised’ bug because we have had a little bit of sunshine, here in the south…and that always helps doesn’t it :)What have you been up to this week? have you had any sunshine? and if so, has it made you want to finish an old project or start a new one?

Do tell 😉

This is an old post…and when I look at some of these pieces, I wonder why I don’t have them now!  Why did I get rid of them! still if we didn’t sort ourselves out every now and then, we would be over run with stuff…so it’s probably a good thing and at least I have pictures of these things so that I can buy them back again :)!

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