Hello my lovelies...I thought I would start the year off with some freebies for all you crafter's out there.
 They are free to take and use in your scrapbook projects.

They are all from my own collection...I thought I would upload them to my blog now,
so that you have plenty of time to use them.

I will be doing this more often for you this year, you know adding freebies like this on my site as well as offering scrapbooking packs on my website.

The more I get together...Freddy keeps looking at everything, as if to say...'can't I have that' and I give him one of my 'MOVE AWAY FROM THE GOODS' Stares! and like a good Hubby...he moves away!

As you know he loves collage art, so I have to be careful, where I put things!

 Anyway enjoy these and I'll be in touch again soon.
Bye for now.



  1. Thank you! You're so sweet:)

  2. Oh, those are fantastic! I need to download them. So sweet! I just made a banner with vintage Valentines...So, I am ready for a new project...maybe cards? So cute! Thanks.

  3. Hello, Happy!
    YOU are ever so kind!
    Such nostalgia in these wonderful pictures..
    I have just changed the window at work, ready for Valentines Day!!
    ~LOve is in the air~
    Take time to dream.....
    Love Maria x

  4. thank you they are gorgeous....they have cheered my monday morning!x

  5. oh these are so lovely thank you xxx

  6. sweet stuff!! thanks for sharing! I love the mailman one. how cute they all are.
    happy day!

  7. aahhhh those are adorable, dee x

  8. Happy I am so thrilled to see you as one of my followers! I just love your bblog! Each posting is special! Thanks from Marlynne

  9. Hi, so much cuteness. We do hope your doing well..

  10. Merci , tu es adorable !!! couvre-toi bien , ici il neige aussi à Paris BISES PATRICIA

  11. These are fab!!! What fun!!!
    Thanks for sharing.
    Your blogging sister, Connie :)

  12. These are so cute! I remember getting little cards like these in school. I would spend so many evenings before the big day cutting them out of books and using mucilage to glue the little envelopes together. The little square ones the kids use now are just not the same. ~sigh~

  13. These are precious Happy..I also collect vintage Valentines..Thank you for sharing yours!


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