Sometimes...when life is getting you down and you think nothing can make it better...a little something crops up and makes all the suffering worthwhile!

My Mother-in-law popped over in the week and gave me a present that she was going to save for Christmas for me, but instead wanted me to have it sooner to cheer me up...Bless her, her arm is still in plaster, but she will soon be having it removed thank goodness.

To my surprise and inside the brown paper packaging was this beautiful original 1950's plastic Rose shower curtain, complete with frilly tie backs and a pelmet!

Now things don't get cheerier than that!

Scuse the awful pictures!


  1. lovely to get the perfect gift..especially from a thoughtful and shows she cares and knows you....have a happy day x

  2. what a sweet mother in law to bring you such a neat giftie! Perfect for you house and just so very you!
    I hope you have a great week!

  3. I haven't left a comment for a while but im always reading your blog still. Im sorry you have been struggling for a while but i love the shower curtain it looks gorgeous as does the rest of your home still. Its bright, warm and inviting and i love seeing your photo's. Take lots of care, dee x

  4. What a clever lady. They are gorgeous. X

  5. such a beautiful shower curtain! Happy for your happiness:)

  6. How perfect for you Happy..You must have a wonderful Mum-In-Law...

  7. Your MIL is worth her weight in gold and more. What a sweetheart to be caring enough to stop by and cheer you up. And your pretty shower curtains look perfect in your jazzy bathroom.
    Hope everyone is starting to get better and things are getting a little better for you! {{{hugs}}} :)


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