Hello again my lovelies...just signing in, to update you...somebody said in the comments of my last post that these terrible things happen in threes and in between all these shenanigans, My Mother-in-Law slipped over in Market Square and fractured her wrist in two places!...

she now has her arm in plaster and its her right arm too, the one she uses all the time! bless her! so that was the third thing! God Bless us all! Haven't we had a time of it!
My Mum however, is getting better by the day and she is coming out of Rehab tomorrow...her apartment has been assessed by the Occupational Therapists and all alterations have been made to make it easier for her to live there, she can't wait to get out of there...right from the start she told us that she didn't want to be there with any old biddies! lol!
 I am now on two tablets a day and feeling quite terrible to be honest! I was OK on the one tablet in the morning...well after a little getting used to it! but now 2 tablets a day are proving to be a tad too uncomfortable!...so I will have to make an appointment for the doctors to see what they can do for me!

  The nurse tells me that the worse case scenario would be that I go onto insulin, but seeing my lovely Rosie inject every day, doesn't really put me off of that, as she takes it in her stride...and is allowed to eat cake! lol!...anyway well see...time will tell!
 I hope you like the pictures...they are some of the buys that we bought in France...Yes in between everything, we did have a chance to unpack and find places for everything...Freddy even decoupaged our little Westie find...I am sure they sell these here in Blighty too, but it just seems more special buying it in France.

 Well my lovelies, I am so grateful for your wonderful comments on my last post, for the encouragement and advice that you have shown me...I thank you.

Oh and please go and have a look OVER HERE as I have reduced a lot of stuff, some is in the SALE and some things I have just reduced anyway... to clear for new arrivals...this is my gift to you ;)

Speak soon.



  1. Oh I do hope you can get the meds straight and start to feel better.

  2. I imagine it takes a little time to get the medications adjusted and tweaked just right. hopefully you'll be feeling your old self again soon and that your mom and mil are soon feeling back to normal too!.
    love all the pictures!

  3. Hi Rosie- I always pop in but don't always comment. I do hope they can get your meds regulated. I am so sorry that your mil fell and broke bones. It's good that you Mum is getting better though. I love all your bright colors here and your French finds! Blessings- xo Diana

  4. hello there...i am so excited to have found your amazing colourful inspirational blog....and so happy to be your newest follower.....off to explore a bit more....have a happy week :)

  5. Absolutely adore your blog!! Love, Marloes from The Netherlands

  6. Sorry to hear about your mother in law, but glad to hear your Mummy is on the mend. She will feel much better in her own home. Will have a look at your bargains, I love the tins I bought from you recently!

  7. So sorry you are having yet more to deal with. Life does that sometimes. But your cheerful attitude will help so much in getting through it.

    Here's a great website for diabetic-type recipes. I think she's also British. God bless you, Rosie!


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