Here’s a few Christmas Inspirations Past and Present to get you in the mood…These pictures are from my own personal collection of many many vintage and contemporary Christmas decorations that we have decorated with over the years, if you have read my older posts you will of seen these pictures, but I thought it would be nice to show them again here.

 Some are a little on the blurry side (sorry)!

Some are from previous homes that we have lived in…

But we have always decorated our home Brightly!

….and always thinking about new ways to style our home.

Its nice to see plenty of red and white decorations in the shops this year, for many many years…we would scour every place we visited to find our style…it was much harder to find back then…with a lot of our decorations being vintage or sourced from Europe.

In October I styled our House for a Swiss Magazine called Annabelle, for their Christmas 2012 issue, which will be coming out at the end of November,I will be giving a copy of the Magazine away, at the end of the month! so remember to add yourself to my favourites for an update 😉

I will also be publishing, some pictures that I took after the shoot soon, to show you some more ideas for Chrimbo…In the meantime…

Enjoy the rest of them 🙂



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