Oh dear...I haven't been a very good blogger lately have I...
well I am hoping things will pick up soon...what with the rain! sooo depressing!
...and now all this terribly hot weather...
 I have been down in the dumps and now on the other extreme..
.I am too hot and tired to do anything! If you have been reading my blog for a long time you will know that I have these lows!
I might be called Happy...but I still get in a rut! so please do forgive me...lets call this lul... To be honest I really do need a holiday...a couple of weeks away from it all, I am sure would do me the world of good...I haven't had a holiday for a few years now (poor me!)

The Olympics were brilliant and I enjoyed every minute of it...and I am someone that didn't think she liked sport!...I am now looking forward to the Paralympics and especially as we have a fellow blogger Friend Maria, who has a son competing in them...her blog is called 'Rosey Tinted Spectacles' and her son Dean, will be competing in the 1500 metres race on Mon 3rd Sept at 9.25pm...of course you can imagine how she must be feeling as a mother...so go on over and say hello...tell her happy sent cha ;)
Also I have been speaking to a very good blogger friend of mine on facebook, called Jo, she has been a friend of mine since I started my blog, back in 2007...I have her blog listed in my favourites, but just in case you haven't noticed, her blog its called oldflowers4me ...please go on over and visit her at 'Fairy Cake Pond'...and say hello, as I think she is brilliant!
I will try and come back soon...I never know what i will end up doing as i am so contrary...thing is, I have so much to write about, especially as I haven't been writing about my life for a bit!...I think i am probably a bit overwhelmed by everything!
 I have a pile of ironing as high as Mount Everest and some re-arranging of furniture to do tomorrow! and I haven't even started decorating the other caravan yet! I am always hot and always tired and I am sure I am going senile! lol! so please bare with me, my friends...HOPE! I am sure, is at the end of the tunnel!...or hopefully! at the end of the ironing pile! LOL!
How have you been feeling lately?



  1. You poor lovey, I am sorry you're going through a down time, I can relate. Hopefully the heat will end there, ours finally got under control here in the U.S. after 107 days for a few weeks. I'll pray for you! Hugs ~ Mary

  2. The hot weather a couple of days ago completely floored me. I don't like HOT at the best of times, hot weather, rooms, offices, shops - In fact I love winter (yes I know - strange woman), but everything is so much fresher and I can breathe!! xx Hope you feel better soon hun :)

  3. Hold off on that ironing!! Cooler weather is on the way! Hope you are back to your happy self soon!7

  4. Aww..sorry to hear that you not feeling well at the moment...it is very hot in the UK though, and we're not used to it like our US friends! Lots of cold flannels at the ready! x

  5. I hear ya'! I melt into a big gelatinous lump in the hot weather. We are slowly getting back to normal temps and I am slowly coming back to life. Thank goodness for the little A/C unit we purchased a few years back. I told DH it was either Momma got some cool air or he was buying take-out all summer. I think it's paid for itself over the years.
    I read that often people are sad after a big event is over, such as the Olympics. So much goes into the time leading up to it and all the commotion and then...nothing! Hope you are feeling better soon and back to living up to your name! {{{Hugs}}} :)

  6. I do hope you are back to feeling like yourself again soon..I do not like the heat either, it makes me feel slow and tired also. I am looking forward to fall!
    Sending you big hugs, Elizabeth

  7. Oh, dearest Happy...so sorry for your feeling down and hot too. Give yourself permission to relax and do absolutely nothing at all. Your followers will still be here, your blog will still be here. What are blog friends for if not to support you during the good and bad times. We love you and we hope you feel better soon.

  8. Bit cooler today, thankfully. I'm not a fan of the heat either. I would think every day is like a holiday in your lovely colourful house! Take care, and hope you feel full of beans soon.

  9. Hello Happy,
    I love to read your blog.The colours, the words, The lovely goodies...
    Feel better soon, I too have an ironing pile that could do serious injury if it falls over. Nurse Florence to the rescue !

  10. Oh Happy, hope you're feeling more chipper soon ... A holiday would work wonders, I'm sure. Can't wait for Paralympics myself, Maria is a good friend of mine, it's so exciting! xxx

  11. Oh-poor girl. You DO need a holiday! I love coming here because even when you do feel a bit down your blog is always so bright and cheery looking. I am off to visit your brilliant friend's blog!;>) Blessings- xo Diana

  12. So sorry..may you find the rest and sweet joy in your holiday! Take care! xo Heather

  13. I feel the same. Got no energy and feel 100 even though I am not!!Yet. There is no reason and cross with myself as got wonderful life and my life doesn't deserve my blues! Gona have a little talk with myself! Looking at your lovely pics really cheers me up so you are making others happy - happy! xx

  14. I feel the same. Got no energy and feel 100 even though I am not!!Yet. There is no reason and cross with myself as got wonderful life and my life doesn't deserve my blues! Gona have a little talk with myself! Looking at your lovely pics really cheers me up so you are making others happy - happy! xx

  15. Oh Happy, we certainly all do get that way! This summer has been the hottest most humid summer in New York, and it has made me miserable - and has kept me feeling a bit sick and very tired too. The outside of my house has suffered terribly, as I could hardly bear being out there fore more then a few minutes at a time! A little break should be just what the doctor ordered! You need some time to rejuvenate, and you will be back and better than ever. XO Helena

  16. What a happy, colorful blog you have! I love it :)
    Love, Miek

  17. Happy, Don't let this nasty hot weather get you down. Take time for yourself. Go out to lunch with a g.friend. maybe visit someone you have not seen in a while. xo, Susie

  18. Happy, I hear you... not so Happy all the time. LIfe sure can be filled with ups and downs, and it's hard to stay positive all the time. I too love Jo she always posts something that brings a giggle on... I hope you get to feeling better, or at least work through it. ox, Diane


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