The Olympic Torch came to our town on saturday (yesterday) at 6.30 am, plenty of people adorned the streets apparently...although I was not there...You see Freddy was supposed to wake me, but he slept in until 8.30 am himself and then popped out on his scooter to get some sundries... 

He timed it just right though!, as he was scootering through town, he saw a went over to see what was going on...when he bumped into Torch Bearer Mohamed "Danny" Dada (who is a teacher at my sons former Grammar School...apparently he was nominated to be a torch bearer by one of his students for being such an inspirational person)...needless to say it was a perfect photographic moment!

We are so chuffed for him...

Have you managed to get your hands on the Olympic Torch? or if no,t what is the most precious item you have managed to get your hands on?



  1. How completely exciting!! I am looking forward to watching the Olympics, but mostly to seeing lots of London and England!

  2. How lucky can you get? I can't wait until the Olympics start.

  3. Well, how fun is that!!! Look how HAPPY the Mister looks! I guess the most precious things I have ever laid hands on are my grandchidren!;>) xo Diana

  4. That's so cool! How lucky was he?Wonderful. Danny must be an amazing teacher! What an honor. I am very very excited to watch the opening ceremony. London will not fail us I am sure! I just know it will be fantastic! Great picture!

  5. Oh wow, what a great photo!! the people you bump into when you pop down to the shops!! :) Trish xx

  6. How exciting! Just wanted you to know that I featured you on my blog today (with the appropriate links of course)! You are my favourite decorator ever!

    Cheery wave from

  7. Oh wow. What a moment. Love the photo. This will be a true memory.


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