What with the weather being so teeeerible lately...I have had to get some retail therapy at the indoor shopping centers, instead of the flea markets and boot sales that have been 'rained off' these last few weeks!
 Surprisingly! I have been quite lucky though! with the help of a couple of charity shops, a trip to Maidstone and another to our friends twice yearly sale...
I have been able to find these lovely delights!...I am not sure where I will be putting them yet! As I seem to be running out of space...very quickly!...but rest assured I will be blogging about it when I do!...where have you been buying your vintage bits and pieces lately?




  1. Oh I love the look of those lights and is that a box of tissues in Pink Paisley? WOW!!! Amazing! Andrea

  2. So glad you are finding treasures. My problem is that I end up keeping more than I sell. Ha.

  3. Wow, some fantastic treasures you have found there! I wish I could find more vintage goodies, but it does make it even more special when I do find them.

    I'm having a Jubilee Giveaway over on my blog if you would like to enter, or share with anyone you think might like it.


    Hope you are having a lovely weekend.

    Hannah x

  4. Hello there from across the pond!
    Oh, how I love visiting your blog with all it's bright cheerful color and whimsy! It always puts a smile on my face!

  5. My 16-y-o and I have been to many yard sales so far this spring, and we have found some good treasures at excellent prices. My daughter is the consummate haggler and can get people to give up the goods for nearly nothing. I pretend I don't know her until we get back in the car and high five!!! Haha, I'll loan her to you for the cost of airfare :) Mary


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