We have put all the bunting up outside the house and in the garden, ready for our 'Big Up Blighty Jubilee Party'....well, we have been celebrating since yesterday really! (friday)...I watched the tribute from Prince Charles to His Mammy...and all the footage of Anne and himself growing up, bought tears to my eyes....the way he was laughing at himself and his parents...was just brilliant.
 The flags are flying in the 'Happy House' and as you know, we are always ' Biggin' up Blighty' ...infact even after the Jubilee and the Olympics have passed...I will still be running my little crusade! lol!...I love everything about our Heritage...and I think we should all talk up! how brilliant this country is, rather than put it down all the time...yep my lovelies, I know all of you love Blighty...but we have got to spread the word...and keep the moral high!

 Although the celebrations officially kicked off yesterday with the Derby...yes crowds of beautifully dressed ladies and the wonderful Queen Elizabeth herself flocked to this event...apparently the Queen see's this event as the start of the summer....she loves the Derby!
 Today is the Diamond Jubilee Pageant...where 1000 boats including the Queen's will be sailing along the Thames....all the way from Windsor Castle to Tower Bridge...oh how exciting! it all kicks off on BBC1 at 1 o'clock today...so do raise a glass and watch it :)

 Monday, there is a concert on the Mall right outside Buckingham Palace, with famous peeps like Elton John, Tom Jones, Jessie J....we did apply for tickets, but was unlucky, so we will be watching this at home...dancing around the table lol!
 So wherever you are...whether you are having a street party, a get together indoors...or if you are rocking out the Barbecue! Have fun! and celebrate this wonderful occasion! for it truly is a fantastic event...


 Happy Happy Happy Jubilee to all....have a great party wherever you are!
Bottoms up!



  1. How wonderful! I wish I could be in England for it. I live in Utah, USA now, but I'm Canadian and the Queen means a lot to me and my family! I only saw her in person once when I was six years old. What a thrill that was for me! Enjoy your celebration! My Union Jack is flying...my neighbours think I'm crazy! LOL! xo

  2. Love all your Jubilee decorations!! Have fun celebrating!! xo Heather

  3. Lovely have a wonderful Sunday...
    Erna x

  4. Oh, that´s very lovely♥ I saw some wonderful pictures at TV, but the reality must be more fantastic.
    LG Kerstin

  5. Happy jubilee back ,its a wonderfull occasion ,shame its pooring down here in york ,the buntings looking a bit bedragled but im sure it wont deter the festivities,your blog is always a joy to read its like a blaze of colour and lovely pictures and i love it xxxx

  6. Am loving it all :)

    Went to a street fair yesterday, Proms on the beach later and a Picnic in the Park tomorrow :) Shall be watching/recording all the TV stuff too. Loved the programee with Charles & the home movies - especially when the Duke of Edinburgh was just larking about like any other young father :)

  7. Bottoms up to you and your family! (hic) Are you sure you dont want to be our prime minister?

    Happy days xxxx

  8. Happy Jubilee! It's fab to see someone as excited about the jubilee as me. I've painted my nails with 'ER' in homage, we're off to watch the floatilla today and on Tuesday we're off down the Mall to see the Queen on the balcony. Big up Blighty indeed!x

  9. I am a Canadian married to a Brit. We have a huge Union Jack flying outside our home this week. I wish I were across the pond celebrating with you. Happy Jubilee , what a happy and historic occasion.

  10. I live in Omaha, NE and watching the tele all day today and tomorrow to celebrate. I go to the UK each year to see Michael Ball. I wish I was there now.

  11. great post!

    from, helen at www.thelovecatsinc.com // @thelovecatsinc

  12. Isn't it fab? I've enjoyed today so much and more to look forward to! I'm with Rosa Lily...Happy for Prime Minister! My nephew made a little post on Facebook saying the Queen is just a nice lady and he's a republican...made me think he isn't the clever boy I thought he was :( xxx

  13. Happy Jubilee to you! Stayed up most of the night to catch the pageant live on the BBC website. What a marvelous event! Even though I was born in the US, my heart is in Britain. Events like this remind me why! And the fact that a million people braved sometimes pouring rain to enjoy the day on the river just convinces me that I am not at all alone!

    All the best,

    Jake at Dapper and Dreamy

  14. Happy, Happy Celebration to you. I saw a picture of Kate in her red outfit and she is beyond stunning! You Brits know how to do things up right- xo Diana

    ps. We have a brand new grandson as of last night!;>)

  15. Happy Jubilee from across the pond. We Americans are following all of the festivities closely. We do love a good Brit celebration and all of the pomp and pagentry. So, from all of us in the states to Britain, congratulations.

  16. Oh my goodness! I stumbled upon your blog as I follow Susan at T-Party. Just beautiful. I have a new blog I have just started creatingandbaking.blogspot.co.uk. I will aim to make mine as beautiful and colourful as yours is! Louise.xx

  17. Good For You! I am just as loyal to our United States Of America! It really upsets me also to hear citizens tear down their wonderful countries that people thru the ages have worked so hard to protect for us and even given up their lives for!

  18. I know I've already commented on this post but I thought if anyone might appreciate the blogpost I just did it might be yourself and your followers! I had such an amazing day on the Mall in London- I'm still buzzing!



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