Yes exciting! Happy's Holivan is featured in the June edition of the Famous American Magazine 'Romantic Homes'
 I do not have a copy to drool over myself yet, as it has just come out and the team at RHM have yet to send me a couple of I am showing you this PDF that they sent me...just as a preview.
I am so chuffed to be a part of this amazing magazine and so to make it a little different reading for my wonderful fans here in Blogland, that know quite a lot about me already, I have told RHM a few more details about my past...that hopefully will make more interesting reading.
So go on this lovely mag, they send it all around the world and it kind of reminds me what our old Country Living Magazine used to be like, but more interesting with lots of REAL people and their wonderful arts and crafts...
Speak soon my lovelies...and enjoy the read.


  1. I am planning on my post this week to show your sweet photo shoot. LOVE it! xo Diana

  2. I just love the colors in your caravan and specially the red and one. Planning to fix mine but here it is not so easy to do. I live in Finland and the weather is so cold during winter time. It would be nice to see more pics :)

  3. Congrats on being in Romantic Homes. I love that magazine. Can't wait to get the magazine now. Smiles, Susie

  4. Well done...that's fantastic. i must try and see if I can get the mag. i think I have bought it in the past when in the USA. It's just so exciting!! Joan

  5. I picked up RH on the newstand this weekend primarily because I saw a spread on you! Love your blog and happy to see more of you in the mag! Congrats....

  6. congratulations! Love your home and blog.

  7. I get that magazine and LOVED the article about you! It's fun to know a "famous" blogging gal!

  8. OOOWWWW! I just got my copy in the mail today! I can hardly wait to read the article! Congrats, you are one talented lady!

  9. Eeeks! Congrats to you!

  10. I am an American fan from across the pond and also a subscriber to RHM!I was thrilled to see you featured in my all time fave magazine and so happy for you, as well!

  11. Just me again- I will be posting the link to your blog on my blog tomorrow. Love that Romantic Homes found you~ xo Diana

  12. Congratulations! will look for the Magazine at Barnes & Noble!

  13. It has brought me great delight to see your darling camper in my Romantic Homes magazine - and in fact - has inspired me to redo my travel trailer this summer. Once I had my grandparent's 1960's Aljo - and I sold it for a more modern trailer. I have been sad about this ever since. Blessings to you - You bring us much happiness!

  14. I am going straight to Barnes and Noble to pick up a copy so I can brag about my favorite blog designer! Congratulations!

  15. Congratulations Happy. Romantic Homes is quite the popular magazine here in the states. What a big honor
    for you. I can't wait to buy a copy. As always, love your things as they make me so "HAPPY".

  16. Congratulations Rosie! I'll skip on over to the Walmart and get me a copy! Haven't chatted with you in a long while, hope all is well with you!
    this & that creations!

  17. Ah, Happy, I'm so thrilled to see your caravan in Romantic Homes!!! I'm going out today and buy a copy - wish I could hope a plane and bring you a copy but I'm busy here watering plants (haha loved your post about killing your mom's plants, I have killed plants for years but this year I'm digging into it seriously (pardon the pun) - and watering daily. Proud of you girl!!! Hugs ~ Mary


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