I have found a couple of new dolls...what do you think of them...?

Sorry about the picture quality...coupled with my camera getting worse and the light in my cottage...it doesn't bode very well for brilliant pictures...but hopefully you can see how divine they are!

I won the black one and the one just above on Ebay...I can never seem to get a bargain on there these days....but with these I did!

Blondie's head was falling off a bit...and not being very 'up there' with doll restoration, I stuck her head back on with E6000 glue...gosh that stuff is good!...she needs a little wash, especially her feet and hair...but its her eyes that bowled me over! Isn't she just sooo pretty and cute!
The black one is so sweet too, I love that kind, especially without their hair, it has probably fallen off over time...but I love 'em like that...and to actually own a black one is brilliant...she is sooo pretty.

The red one I have had for a while now...I can't remember where I bought her...but I bet it was from a Bootsale or some Flea Market somewhere...I always think..I wonder what the owners are thinking, when I buy some of their unwanted goods! Because I am in my own little world, when I am out and about! Often talking to myself and chuckling away at the (what I think is cute and pretty) and sometimes I hear them saying! lol! OMG I never thought I would sell that!...hehehe! 

What have you bought lately that you love and other peeps have rolled their eyes at?

I'd love to know that I am not the only one like this! ;)



  1. LOL- I love you and the fact that you talk to yourself when out and about. I love your babies. They look good to me. Love the eyes on the little doll..reminds me of your Rosie on the sidebar, all eyes and all.

    The last thing I bought was tea cart missing it's front wheels but just wait till I get done with that little sucker and we'll see what they say~ xo Diana

  2. Hi happy! Love your sweet dolls! What wonderful treasures you found! I love old dolls, they are so charming! My vintage finds have been coming from Etsy lately, but I am sure there have been many things that are so cute to me that someone else may wonder, what is she thinking? :) We should always buy what makes us happy and cuteness is high on my list! xo~ Paula


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