Yes Guys and Gals, as you know this is our 25th Wedding Anniversary year and I wanted to share these two versions of a favourite song of mine...I recently heard Rosie playing it in her bedroom...The tune sounded familiar, but I couldn't quite place it!

She told me it was called Lovesong by Adele...and then it clicked! Hmmm! Lovesong ay! so I googled 'The Cure' and there they were on Youtube, singing their original version released back in 1989... I loved The Cure back in the 80's...I loved the different music genres back then and used to go to 'The Green Man' in Leytonstone to quench my appetite for such tunes.

So as Freddy and I met in the 1980's, (pic of us back then above and below!) here is their original version of Lovesong...

I am dedicating these songs to my beloved hubby, who through thick and thin, I have always loved him...and always will...

I love both versions, because I love both artists...very different, but very sincere...

Just like us! Chalk and Cheese...Perhaps thats why we have made it to 25 years ;)!




  1. Child of the 80s here too and loved the Cure. Fun to hear Adele and her remake....(still partial to the original - that hair!!!!)
    Congrats to you and hubby on your 25th!

  2. Hello! I wish you a very happy day! Greetings Riitta Sinikka.

  3. Congrats on reaching the milestone anniversary, love the music and LOVE the photos. remember those photo booth days well! Lizzie

  4. Congratulations, the photo's are great! :) x

  5. Happy 25th wedding Anniversary. not many people can say they reach this milestone anymore, I think it is lovely that the 2 of you are still so happy together and clearly still madly in love. Many people can learn a lot from that and I can only hope that I too one day will get to celebrate this occassion with my gorgeous man.

    I love the old photos, very retro indeed.

    Enjoy your special day and lets hope for many, many more to come. x x x x

  6. Congratulations! I adore the pictures - so much love and fun. Also, hooray the 80's!
    Sam x

  7. Happy 25th anniversary! I wish that you see the 50th and much more together!! It is also our 25th anniversary! Love of the 80's as well :) I feel back in the 80's love still had some naivety(I hope correct word) that we only thought about what our hearts felt when committing to a lifetime. I am worried for the youth these days, nobody thinks about only their heart, I hear so many other questions like will I be free enough, does he earn enough, does he have a good career path..

  8. Congratulations!! I new I heard that song before, just didn't know where.. Thanks.

  9. I am a new follower and I have to say...your blog makes me soooo happy! Don't know why...just does. Happy happy colors and cheerful cheekiness I guess. =D

  10. Hi Happs happy anniversary you two, I love those photos fred could give Dierdre a run for her money in those Trendy 80s glasses! fabulous! Loved the cure too and adele. I Know it sounds cheesy, but I definitely think laughter is the best ingredient for a long marriage and it sounds like you've had lots of that in the past 25 years ! xx

  11. Congratulations, and what a wonderful nostalgia trip looking at the bright orange background in those Photo-Me booths! And I was a real fan of The Cure - Lovecats is still my favourite ever song! Here's to the next 25 for you and Freddy!

  12. Love the music. Wow- Brings back memories of when I had very young children at home.

    Happy BD to Max. I am so glad to have found you here- xo Diana


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