Hello gals...well I hope you all had a good weekend and that it is sunshining wherever you are.  At the moment the Happy House is in a bit of a turmoil!...Yep it has finally happened...I have my mojo back!
A few months ago I blogged HERE that I wanted to do something about my ugly 1970's cupboard...which is good for storage, but not very nice looking...alot of you told me to paint it or to bring in another dresser that I had in storage...and for a few months I have really not been bothered to do anything about it!

But the other day I was interviewed by a magazine and all the questions the lovely lady asked me...I thought 'hell yeah' I did do that and I can do that...if you get my drift...anyway it has made me more determined to get sorted and start throwing out my chintz so to speak ;)!...so the Happy House is all sorted and clean for Chrimbo!
 Back in the summer...do you remember, we decorated in a very 'Kitsch' way adding colours like orange into our colour scheme....Well lately as I look around, I do yearn for our Happy Shabby look again...we have lived with this look for years and years and somehow I have had this urge to get 'rid' of this kitschy colour and revert back to our old ways...so the other day I expressed my feelings to Freddy and to my surprise he agreed.
 'You can have free range', he said...Ahh Brilliant I here you all shout...lol! But if only I had of ignored that little 'free range' quote and stopped right there and then! for now I have wrecked every room by starting all at the same time...we are having a major SPRUCE UP...I just had to do it! I have been living with the colours that I would tell everyone else NO! dont you dare buy that! for a few months now...and although it is in fashion...its just not me! I have never been a fashionable bird anyway...
 I have just sat down here for a few minutes with a cup of Cinamon spiced Chai Latte...my favourite drink at the moment...and thought I had better fill you in ;) ...I'll keep you updated as I re-arrange, paint and tidy each room!  I think the dining room might have to be finished last...as I have everything stock pilled in there that I no longer want!

Have you been inspired lately to have a big change around in your house and if so what has spurred you on...

Oh and please remember to enter my Cath Kidston Day Bag Give-away...remember you can enter as many times as you like CLICK HERE to enter...it will b e drawn on October 31st.



  1. Wooow!
    I just found your blog and i loooove it!!
    The colers.. the style.. soooo pretty!

    Big hug from Ida, Norway :)

  2. I totally know what you mean! Just before reading your post, I looked around my living room in disgust haha

    We bought some wood for the floor and I can't wait to get rid of our old carpet!

    What really spurred me wanting to decorate every single room is I am expecting our first child :)
    No better time than now to make things over!!

  3. So glad you've got your mojo back.


  4. The mojo is a great but elusive friend! Love your colorful pics! :-)

  5. I have been inspired to do big changes and cleanings too, happens every year lol we call it fall cleaning in my house. I love your colour choices and look foreward to seeing more.

  6. Woo-hoo! I, too, had lost my mojo & had even abandoned my BLOG for months but now, I'm back & it's full steam ahead! Can't wait to see what you come up with, you are such an inspiration!

  7. Your blog is very colourful and interesting ,love all your bits and bobsx

  8. It's always great to have a change and swap around, I have been decorating the whole house this last couple of months so everything has change colour and moved rooms :)

    Bee happy x
    Have a delicious day!

  9. Fabulous, sounds absolutely fantastic, nothing like a spring clean! It is spring over in this part of the world, so that does make sense!

    I will be doing the same shortly myself, have already started with the wardrobe, the most difficult space to spring clean!!

    :) Hazel

  10. Ohoooo this is good to hear!! Nobody can do the Happy Shabby look like you do dear Happy! Can't wait to see some real good sprucing :)

  11. Me i love vintage and loved the little items you were buying and adding it worked so well with your shabby chic but you have to love your home and feel warm and comfortable and you always know just what to do to make that happen. Have fun in the mean time and i look forward to seeing the changes ;-)) dee xx

  12. Some years ago, I chucked out my chintz and tried to de-clutter. Living in a small dark cottage, I craved space and light. But It didnt last and back in came the clutter and floral fabrics. I do like to see it in books and mags but I just cannot live it. louise

  13. I LOVE your blog and style!!!
    I shared some pictures and a link to your blog in mine.
    Hopefully it was ok.
    I just wanted to let my readers here in FINLAND to know what a cool blog and store you have.
    I also linked your blog in my Julängel-Christmas blog.

    You are more then welcome to see how my yellow house looks like.
    Lots of color and old furniture.

    Have a lovely week!!!

  14. All you pictures are full of happiness, love it! xx


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