Well here we are folks...I have been meaning to show you these pictures for a few days now, but what with 'life' getting in the way! I havn't had the time...!

Welcome to our new Vintage Caravan....It is a 1968 Cheltenham Sable and we bought her a little over a week ago from a lovely couple that was relocating and couldn't take the van with them!
She has two doors...the one above is the back door (leading into the garden) and there is one at the front, near our front door, which is of course the caravans front door....

There was alot of tooing and frowing getting the caravan into this position, not to mention, the moving of a van with a flat tyre, that blocked the road off and the commotion of the bus trying to get past!! tut tut! but friends, family and passers by all helped, which was brilliant! Thankyou xx
Oh yes this is going to be a lovely little hide-away, kinda like the little community we have going on here!  You see we are living in this little 2 bedroom cottage, that we have filled to the brim and there is really no room to swing a cat! lol! and our son, who keeps a low profile...(he is like the daughter you never see in the 'Osbournes') went and bagged himself a banking job, just around the corner to us, so he has come back to live here...so it really is 'tight' with no space for him to call his own!...So thats the reason why we thought...lets get another caravan...it would be cheaper than moving! I think Daz was thinking 'Modern' but we wanted a more retro looking van...anyway he wasnt that enthusiastic about looking for it... so we looked and looked and found this one...which we all totally love!... ;)
This is currently the inside...it is totally immaculate...everything works and is full of original features.  The draw unit has a table on top that folds out longer and the smaller bed, can be extended to a full adult bed...haha! notice two singles! hehe! there is a method in my madness! ;)
There is a cupboard for clothes and the gap is the front door entrance which also forms part of the toilet area...its so cleverly designed...the cupboard that you see straight in front is the gas cooker and storage and you can just about see the mini fridge.
Now in full view...the kitchen area...lots of cupboards, nice airy windows, original cup and holder on the wall..and lights...oh sooooo lovely! A perfect bachelor pad (herhum! with two single beds :)))) lol! shhh!)

I suppose we can't really decorate this one with pretty florals, we have got to do this one justice for Daz....One good thing though! he does love Mad Men and The Hour, two very 1960's programmes and being that this is a 1960's caravan, I can feel that kind of look coming on!

So what do you think my lovelies, do you approve :)



  1. Love it, loads of character xx

  2. Can't wait to see your latest caravan transformation! I bet you try and get some floral in somewhere! ;o)

    Victoria x

  3. ooo, how exciting...a new project to get your hands into! I am sure you will do it justice.

    Can't wait to see the reveal... it's a shame you haven't got a magic wand {for people like me who need...INSTANT!}

    enjoy hunting out the goodies sweetie! ;o)


    hello gorgeous xxx

  4. I have a thing about Cheltenhams, that thing being I WANT ONE TOO! Hee hee, hope you managed to have a peep at my little old mabel on my last post.
    Here's to lots of fun making your new space just how you like it. xxx

  5. What a brilliant idea to increase your 'guest' accommodation. Can't wait to see the final look.

  6. How much of K Kidston is going into this one I wonder? xx Just luvverly

  7. Love it hun! How odd that it has two doors! BTW do you know that ikea now has the whole rosali range out now - quilted throw, curtains, duvet sets and fabric by the metre! Just in case you were unaware and needed any! lol! Mind you Daz won't want Rosali or CK!

  8. Hell ...Yes I approve....I love them both. I had a good little chuckle over your Osbourne lost daughter statement...I almost forgot about their 3rd kid...Hehehe....Well put your banker son in the camper and throw him a marshmallow.

  9. What a brilliant idea ! I think I'd do it up in lots of plaids and flannels - very "manly" !!! What a lucky boy to have such a pad and as a mama of three young men myself, I highly approve of the TWO beds - lol !


  10. Apart from florals – mightn´t there be a Sixties-Bachelor-Way of decorating this masterpiece? You´ll surely find one :)
    Anyway, we simply love reading your marvelous blog!
    Have a good week!
    Yours, DieFranzinellis, Claudia

  11. Oh it's lovely! I like this caravans!
    Look at mine please.

    Regards Janny

  12. How sweet !! I can't wait to see how you decorate it. Well one day when you son moves on your can always give it your special girly touch! He won't live there forever.

  13. Love it! I can't wait to see how you decorate it. :-)


  14. Definitely approve! Can't wait to see how you transform it!

  15. brilliant! love this one Happs, my mum had one similar to this in the 80s..they used to tow it up to skeggy for us so my friend and I could go to the rock and roll do there..Fab little caravan it was, you'll do it up a treat if you're going all 60s style and I cant wait to see it! (still desperately pining for mine..worst thing I ever had to do!)xx

  16. This is soooo cute, it is fabulous, can't wait to see what more it will become in your hands:) Absolutely want one in my garden! xxEbru

  17. Looks fabulous! Did make me feel old though, I was born in the same 'vintage' year LOL

  18. Can't wait to see what you do with your new caravan, hope it's as good as your other one :)

    Bee happy x
    Have a delicious day!

  19. Lovely, love the little cooker. I am officially greener that the holivan. I too live in a tiny cottage, and we are bursting at the seams. Sadly we dont have access to get a caravan into our back garden (a brill & stylish idea). So looking forward to the finished results.

  20. What a lovely new addition... I'm loving your convoy of beautiful wee Caravans! I'm still looking for mine to make into a Mobile Studio... I found what I thought was the PERFECT one... alas, The Man was convinced it was too big to pull behind his Truck... *Le Sigh*

    Dawn... The Bohemian

  21. Are you allowed to use a Caravan in your garden as a spare bedroom? I thought the council didn't allow that ?

  22. Emma!!! IF YOU HAD READ THE BLOG POST PROPERLY I SAID HE HAD NO PLACE TO CALL HIS OWN! I wouldn't dare let him sleep outside! even though he is the ripe old age of 22! no this is a place for him to socialise with friends and relax in at the weekends...I know the law hun!

    ...but thanks for your comment :)

    Love Happy xx

  23. that is the GOODS!!!! It certainly is better use then the "gypsy brides" (as seeen in the U.S.tele) I can see where you could really get lost with your art in there... Thanks for sharing! geo

  24. Hi Happy ! Just had to join your little community after searching for tips on refurbishing my little old caravan and saw your amazing work of art !
    Just wondering ... what type of paint did you use on the exterior and interior ? Would love to do something similar for my daughter who wants our little caravan for the same reason as your son, to have a place to socialise with friends.
    Can't wait to see what you do with your new one.
    Well Done !!!

  25. I want the garden to go with!It all looks so idyllic and such a creative space. Amazing reno.

  26. I want the garden to go with!It all looks so idyllic and such a creative space. Amazing reno.

  27. OHHHHH, love it love it! How simply wonderful is it to have TWO vintage caravans in your garden! Oh lucky you! And your son will living there, wow-
    Just love it and everything else about your blog! So happy I found it!!!

    Retro Sandie - hugs!!!

  28. Oh my goodness I do not know how I missed this post. I love this bachelor pad caravan!!! It really has all the bells and whistles. I can see why you would want to leave it as is...but you just have the knack for decorating so I can't wait to see all the little details you might add.

    As for your son returning home to live with you...I hug you for that! Not many people are willing to do it but I have told all four of mine that they are always welcome at our cottage. Two are gone and I don't want the other two to leave...ever! The more the merrier I say.


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