My internet is going to be cut off. as of tomorrow for about a week...don't ask its complicated and makes me very angry!....
anyway, this is the perfect opportunity for me to have a break...its a forced upon break, but a break at that!  I won't be going anywhere fancy...just windowsill bay!
But my eyes and head will be able to rest...The idea is that I am going to make stuff and sleep...I am using it as Happy Therapy! lol!

  I take my computer for granted and often waste too much time on it..I do need to recharge my batteries...

...Thankyou so much to my lovely friends that commented on my last bought so many smiles to my face :) I love you all xx
 Photos taken from my holiday in Scotland 2007

See you in a week



  1. Have a lovely break, we do take our comps for granted, and then we hate it when we cant sit staring at the thing for hours on end. great views of Scotland by the way, somewhere I always wanted to go, nearly bought a house on the Isle of Skye once.... x

  2. Have a lovely break.
    We do take our computers for granted but sometimes it's nice to get away from them for a wee bit!xx

  3. Have a lovely break and i hope the problems sort themselves quickly for you. Lovely photo's of your holidays in Scotland. Take care, dee x


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