Ok Ok! so we have gone a bit CrAzY with this look! but I so love being able to buy anything that I like and throwing it all together!

All colours pop out at me when I am shopping around town and now whatever we buy it all goes together with the look...
Notice how now we are incorporating yellow and orange!....colours that I would previously not have in my colour scheme...sticking only to reds, blues and pinks etc!

 Keeping our French Enamel, shutters, Cath Kidston bits and whimsy pieces and adding retro dimensions like my blue golly, eames chairs and coloured glass...you might even be able to spot a few little creatures of the forest in this mix too...(look closely!)
 It feels so warm and cosy in our sitting room...looking around at all our bits and pieces...adds smiles to our faces...and what with all the happy bright colours as well...I am sure this only adds to our happy nature ;)

I am loving this new look of ours....what do you think?



  1. i love your sitting room, its so kitsch! x

  2. Love it! totally kitsch and mad,It looks great with all your original stuff too.
    I am sooooo in love with that yellow table its gorgeous! x

  3. love it all - a fab mix. though got to ask - do you have all the swans facing to the left on purpose? ;)

  4. That room is just beautiful!!!!!!!!
    And you're right- it looks like a room you have no choice but to be happy in :)

  5. I really love the combination of colours.We have the glittery Madonna statue in our family shrine :)

  6. i think it looks wonderful - i want to play with all your bits. xxx tip top gorgeous

  7. Your home has always been a riot of colour but this time you're outdoing yourself!

    It looks amazing Happy!

    Victoria xx

  8. Oh no, the yellows and oranges are just the right thing, so citrusy and Summery!

  9. I love it. It's so cheery and bright,and everything looks good together.
    I've got the glittery Madonna too, she's protecting my pennies!!

  10. It looks wonderful, just my sort of thing. bee x

  11. Just came across your blog and love how fun and whimsical it is! xx, laura

  12. It is very beautiful arrangement of each and every stuffs. I like the light stand. It is totally unique, as well as simple but stylish.

  13. Unique, colourful....Fabulous!!
    Hope you have a great weekend,
    Susan x

  14. What a fabulous blog ~ your home looks lovely, so bright and cheerful, a joy to see, thank you for sharing.

  15. Adorable! I feel cheery just looking at it. xx

  16. I ADORE this!!! LOVE your blog! Always makes me feel happy when I pop over here!! Thank you for sharing your Happiness with us!!

  17. Colourful and fun I love it. The picture of the lady with the green face reminds me of my childhood home, we had Tretchikoff's Green Lady in our sitting room.

  18. I love the new look. Life is about change and I think it is fun the change up our environment and looks every once in a while. How Fun!!


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