The last few weeks have been very sad for started with a close friend of the family dying...I had known her most of my life...Eileen and her husband Roy used to socialise with my parents back in the 1970's and I grew up with their children.  She was one of those people that was always happy to see you and would always be interested in what you had to say...she loved to talk and loved life...she was one of lifes lovely people.

During her funeral, this song was played (above) Mario Lanza...'Be my love' it was her favourite song...and needless to say, there wasn't a dry eye in the church, it was like Roy was saying these words to her...since then I havn't been able to get the tune out of my is so beautiful, just like Eileen...May you rest in peace now my sweet angel.

Then last Saturday...somebody who I never knew died...yes you have probably guessed who...the lovely Amy Winehouse...I have been a fan of hers for years....that sexy, sultry, 1950's sound...that voice!

This lovely gal at the age of 20 released her first album FRANK and shot to stardom winning many awards...

She got her 1950's BIG hair and over the top eyeliner look when she met Blake, but even though, she looked fantastic...he turned out to be a monster in disguise...getting her into the drink and drugs scene that was to be to her downfall...but even through all of this...

We still loved her and would often talk about her like we knew her...willing her to make a full recovery from this terrible addiction...she had so much raw talent...we wanted her to live forever and make more records...but I think, in all our hearts, we knew she wouldnt make old bones, Bless her :(

Her CD 'Back to Black' has been in our car for a while now...we used to sing to it most days...we know all the words and Rosie and I would always sing at the top of our voices to it...a favourite one was Me and Mr Jones...such a typical 1950's sound...but sung in Amy's way...totally fabulous!

So like all the best singers that have gone before...Mario Lanza, Gwen Guthrie, Teena Marie, Luther Vandross (to name a few)...Amy will be with them now, singing in the clouds, with no more hurt and no more pain...

I can imagine it all, when I shut my eyes....the audience on the right includes my Dad his Mum and all his brothers and sisters, Eileen and my Nanny Hilda and Grandad Alf, and everyone else that I have loved and lost in the past....and over on the left is Stan Getz and Errol Garner playing their saxophones (Dad's favourites) with little Amy singing her heart out, along with the likes of Teena Marie, Gwen Guthrie, Mario Lanza and Luther Vandross! My goodness! What a party!

And so this next song is dedicated to them all...and everyone that all of you have loved and lost too...

The one and only Mario Lanza singing Ave Maria - Enjoy my lovelies xx

God Bless you all x



  1. Gosh I am so sorry for your loss. The Mario Lanza song is beautiful and has lovely words.

    So sad about Amy, so young and dying alone too. My heart goes out to her family.

    Reading through your 'party list' I was so shocked about Teena Marie. I didn't know she had died, I loved her voice and have some of her records from when I was a younger 'lady', how very sad as she died so young too.
    When someone you know passes I think it always makes you look at your own mortality, it does me anyhow. Makes you realise how lucky we are to have such a lovely family and that we need to cherish each moment x Sue x

  2. I would second Krafty cupcake's comments . Mario Lanza was a favourite of my Gran and I didn't think a lot of Hume when I was a teenager!
    We should make the most of every day because life is precious and for all too many people ends far too early. I didn't know about Teena Marie dying either so I just googled her to find out. I was only watching her on a repeat on TOTP recently. What a blast from the past! Music though lives on and we can listen to this great music forever. The people that touch our lives like your family friend also live on through our memories and also in the difference they made to our lives and shaped us as the people we have become.x Anne

  3. Whoops the predictive text on my iPad typed Hume for him!!!!!!!!!

  4. Hi, I've also been worrying about Amy for ages as if she was a friend or my daughter. I absolutely adored her from the first album and was blown away by the second one and like you scream (I can't sing) along to it in the car all the time. I lost my dad in February and he was a taxi driver and we come from North London so in my mind he is going to look after her up there. Mad cow!
    RIP Amy.

  5. Sorry, I got so carried away with Amy that I forgot to say sorry for the loss of your friend.

  6. """""""""""
    " Teardrops x

  7. GRANADA , MADONA .................. FOR ME GRANADA IS THE TOP OF MARIO . LOVE FROM GREECE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  8. This is a lovely post, I am so sorry for your loss, and I know how you feel about Amy. I was shocked when I heard about her, I had alweays hoped she would get better!

  9. Awesome way to put it Happy.
    Some people are just not mean't to make old bones, and I think she must have been such a tortured soul. Hope she's at peace now.
    She probably could have done with someone like your old friend in her life.
    Luv to you all.

  10. My heart goes out to you Happy...I send love & hugs your way..

    You see I was orphaned at 7 my mom and dad went to bee with the Lord..but I was raised by my parents families...since then all my grandparents, my Auntie and many more love ones are with them now..

    I always think they have a party too, when someone arrives up above.. it the most beeautiful party one could have...I can only imagine the glow of love & happiness when they arrive in heaven.. but for us down here is gloom & saddness.

    I know that they wouldn't want us to be depress but instead rejoice.. because they are not suffering or in pain (mentally or physically) anymore and they are in a better place...

    I'm going to have to stop typing the tears are blurring my vision... Know that you were loved very much by them and that you have a heart of gold...

    God Bless ~ Peace Joy & many blessings 2 U, Love Marlene

  11. Miss Happy my heart is with you during your time of trouble...
    When you get a moment, could you please tell me why all of our blogs have this photobucket upgrade issue for the background?

    Lots of hugs...Renee

  12. ugh! I hate loss :o( Just lost my dad {in March} and we had Mario Lanza playing as he came into the of his favourites {artist and song}....I'll Walk With God

    I get choked just thinking about it!

    have a happy Sunday Happy!


    hello gorgeous xxx


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