Yesterday I cooked Pork! and I finally 'cracked it' pardon the pun! Yes it was the best pork I have ever cooked! I am very good with roast dinners but sometimes the meat is a bit chewy...well very chewy actually! So on Saturday, when I was in Asda...I was looking at the Pork shoulder joints, thinking! Come on gal - surely you can 'crack' this tough meat thingy!

So I bought a piece of pork shoulder, I had heard that you must cook this very slowly...ok it was cheap £3.66 for a great lump!

I rubbed salt into the skin and put it in the oven on low for 3 and a half hours!
I did place it on a Le Crueset pan though...rather than a roasting tin...You can't beat Le Crueset!

Well! When Fred and I got it out of the oven and tried it! you can imagine the 'yums and yahs' that was said! it was beautifully tender and soooo tasty...and the crackling! hmmmm! Yum Yum!

We had a lovely Mothers Day lunch...and I had finally cooked a piece of pork that Jamie Oliver would be proud of...and that made my day!

Sometimes its the simple things in life that make you Happy :)

What have you cooked lately that you have been proud of ?


  1. Mmmm, looks so delicious! I'm about ready for lunch here (:

    Rach xo

  2. I take more pride in the things I bake than in what I cook, mainly because I really don´t enjoy cooking that much but relish in baking. :-D

  3. Blimey it's 7.30am on a Monday and i'm drooling (i'm not that keen on pork either!!!) I cooked beef which was tender with a hint of chewiness! Sue x

  4. That looks so tasty, glad you enjoyed it!

    Bee happy x
    Have a delicious day!

  5. I can cook but I'm usless with roasts...It's the timeing... a case of over-cooked veggies etc. My husband on the other-hand is a superior roaster! Yesterday, he made a super cooked tea for 12 of us...he is the king of roasted spuds bless him!(-;

  6. I loveee pork! Wow looks so good...awesome job girl :)

  7. I'm ashamed to say I have NEVER cooked a joint in my life, I wouldn't know where on earth to start!
    Very impressed Happs!

  8. Boy this looks delicious I can tell by the looks of it that you did an awesome job. Not bad on the price either. Blessings.

  9. This looks so good! And I love this blog..I am a new follower! come say hi some tome :D


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