Yes gals we are expecting a new arrival tomorrow....

You see before Christmas we went to The Old Rectory Sale and bought ourselves a rather lovely cupboard, as I am in desperate need of storage!......

But what I forgot was, that really we have no room for it!...
we are falling over furniture as we speak! I forget when I am out, that we now live in a little cottage! Whoops!

So we will have to have a good old tidy and sort out before we can even think about where it is going to go! Goodness me! Why oh why do we do it eh!....mind you it is sooooo divine...wait till you see it!

Have you bought anything lately and not had the room for it?...
If so we are definitely sista's separated at birth!lol!



  1. Oh yes, I love the shabby furniture. Can't resist it if it's cheap, has spindly legs or curvy edges. I have been good lately although my sister just gave me a beautiful hutch she had no room for... I had to take it!

  2. awww fun ;-)) And enjoy your weekend, Dee x

  3. Have fun trying to find a home for your new arrival!

    Victoria xx

  4. I do that a lot, the last thing was a fab fifties telephone seat with a little table attached, no room for that so it's now hidden away in my friends garage ...also forget that we have a very normal size car with a small boot, you will often find me prizing large objects into it at car boot sales :)Have a lovely weekend
    Jane x x x x x

  5. I even had to store it for a while until I had the place for it. I am so glad now that I did it! Now I live in a house with the perfect spot. I am working at an estate sale this weekend and oh my! I keep finding things that I just can't leave behind. Makes them extra special that they were my Grandma's and then my Aunt's! I guess I will have to have a sort out myself when I get home.

  6. Ah well a nice treat for yourself is always good. I'm looking forward to seeing it

    All things nice...

  7. looking forward to the pics are such an inspiration, my daughter has just acquired a vintage caravan and has been trawling the net for inspiration.
    needless to say.....yours is the best she has found! so thank you for giving her lots of ideas x

  8. I'm sure you'll manage to squEEze it in somewhere Happy! You just have to now, we neeeeed to see it. xxx

  9. I rent a garage to house my 'should never have bought this' and 'where the hell is this going to go' buys! A great waste if money but what can you do??? lol!!s

  10. I have a garage full of my 'finds' that I have yet to find room for in the house.I have three dressers full to the brim with china I've collected over the years.Oh dear...there's no hope for me is there? Look forward to seeing your new cupboard! :0)

  11. Oh yes, I then have to move something out!

  12. Can't wait to see your new cupboard :D. I ambled over here and posted some of your freebies on my blog; thank you for making those available *and pop over to mine if you have a minute, I'm having a giveaway!*.

  13. Happy, I understand completely! Can you imagine my glee, now that I can move some 'stuff' to the salon! It means I can collect more! I got the keys yesterday.....I'm very happy! xxx

  14. We are moving this year and I dread to think where all our stuff is going to go, my crafting room is as big as a house!!

    Pen xx

  15. Hey Happy,

    Your blog has always been high up my list of inspirations....and I finally got my very own last week. (also conquered flickr AND Etsy, IT shutters must have been temporarily UP for a change)
    Just wanted to say THANKS!
    (never seen Calamity Jane on anyone elses list...whip crack away!)

  16. I don't have room for anything place is lacking a craft room so my crafting and vintage home business has taken over most of my living spaces! ;-) I have been doing too much shopping for moi as of late....

  17. Oh Happy, you make me so happy! I came for a dose of your cheer and found it and a warm shoulder to share my overstuffed house woes with... Thanks! Your new cupboard is lovely and I can sooo relate to the falling over furniture. Our old farmhouse *looks* big enough from the outside, but has zero closets, no basement and a tiny attic... Not an ideal set up for a pack rat family that includes 2 small kids & 2 big dogs! Thats why I'm so eager to get a small workshop of my own outside. I adore your bloggy goodness and might have to figure out a way to hire you!


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