OMG! Blighty has never had it sooo bad!
OK, so you hardy gals, in colder countries are probably thinking! Yeah! so! :)

But honestly us Brits have not seen weather this bad for aparently 45 years....I don't remember it this bad in my lifetime! Anyway!

...and at first it was very exciting! but you see I am a homebird and very contrary!
...I just love to stay at home and potter about!...but!
  ...The fact that it is getting worse and it is dangerous to drive, is forcing us to stay in! and I don't like it! I want to go out!...we have been given free tickets by some of our lovely friends to visit the Wealden Christmas Fair...and that was cancelled today! :(
I did decide however, that when it got dark I would go out and take some piccies...I went out there with Max and he seemed to love jumping around in it! although the snow stuck to his legs like glue! and it became very hard for him to walk around!
You can see from the piccies how much worse it has got from my last post!
Oh I do hope it all stops soon! I have so much to get done for chrimbo...although it did feel wonderful know my birthday and all (thanks for all your lovely messages on here and FB :))
But now I want it to I am such a sissy walking around in it! I am sooo frightened of slipping and would rather crawl than walk! LOL! What a sight that would be eh! lol!
Apparently Scotland have had upto -25 degrees! OooH Goodness me! Brrrr!
What has the weather been like where you are?and have you managed to travel to work and stuff...and has anyone any news when it is going to go?  Come on you gals! thats what we are famous for isnt it! LOL! talking about the good ole British Weather! eh!

Anyway I hope you are all keeping warm and drinking lots of Cocoa! but has anyone got the heebeegeebee's now like me and got this terrible craving to go out! :)

Let me know :)


  1. Yes it's blooming cold up here in Scotland although we haven't reached -25 yet,it was -14 a couple of hours ago! We don't seem to have as much snow as you,but that was propably the kiss of death and we'll disappear in a blizzard now.

  2. Well I am on the other side of the pond,,in florida no snow here but it is cold,,I would trade you places anyday,,I miss the snow and would love to stay inside and cuddle up infront of a fire..good luck and stay warm..

  3. I have just started on some patchwork so I am not bothered at the moment about going out ,but my hubbie hates it and he needs to get a dry stone wall rebuilt before Christmas so we have some pennies Great photos of your garden
    xx fee

  4. No work today because of the weather, yayyyy, so I may get some sewing done. The roads are BAD around here so won't be venturing out. But sadly looks like my Christmas shopping trip in Chichester is cancelled tomorrow. x x x

  5. Awww, I'm in the North East and it seems to be moving away from us now. Although strangely I seem to be the only one on my team at work not 'snowed in' ... grr.

  6. -13 here this morning (East Coast of Scotland) - snow stopped falling but dangerously treacherous on the roads - I can get out because I`ve been getting a lift to and from work but my car hasn`t moved since last Saturday and won`t be moving until the Big Thaw!
    I love your garden pics - looks like Santa`s Grotto - our (I`ve left mine out as well!) poor garden furniture looks so odd covered in snow!

  7. Oh dear it does make a chang the south getting hit like this. I live in the northwest and we are the ones crying oh no.... as we did in February when we were hit very bad but looking out of my window again this morning and I hope I do not speak to soon we still have nothing like you only a slight dusting so I do hope it moves quickly for you as I remeber being unable to get my car out for nearly two weeks earlier in the year and my wellington boots became my best friend.

  8. Flippin' freezing here too. Eveything has come to a halt and I've so far seen one bus that did a slow skid sideways across the road..I think I'll put my wellies on and walk into town!
    Love you photos.
    Stay warm.

  9. Love your snowey pics!! I'm here in Ireland and as I type I'm looking out my kitchen window at a blanket of snow and it's still coming down heavy! I live very rural and was housebound for 5 days due to the road being so bad so I feel your pain. I got out yesterday and I was like a kid in a toy shop ... and that was just walking down the street never mind in the actual shops!! I'm taking part (supposedly) in a craft fair on Sunday so I hope it goes ahead and more importantly I can get to it !! Keep warm xx

  10. Our snow is so deep too..I'm in North Essex. It's not too cold though, I think it's got down to about -2 or -3, so not so bad.
    I took a trip to the postoffice yesterday with my two toddlers literally took about an hour and made the hole in the bottom of my converse 10 times worse! lol
    It is very beautiful, but I haven't even got a chance to get any really nice pictures, because I have no suitable shoes! lol

  11. The snow pictures look beautiful, I'm in the Midlands and we've not had much snow at all. Most of the roads are clear, we've been really lucky :) x

  12. Belated birthday wishes.

    Wow so much snow and doesn't it make your garden even more pretty.

    Glad there's no chance of -21 here in Suffolk - anything below freezing doesn't suit me at all.

  13. Great pics! Here in Atlantic Canada, I think we have your weather. It's plus 6 and drizzle. Soooo depressing but mild.
    Stay safe, stay off the roads and be sure and put some salt on your steps so nobody slips and falls.
    Take care! {Hugs}

  14. No snow here in the middle of the U.S. (Nebraska) and that's pretty rare. We usually have three or four major snowstorms by this time in December. I miss it!

  15. Happy Belated Birthday, Sorry I missed it yesterday. We get snow like that at least once a year or so and where I grew up in the Texas Panhandle that is more of a normal day in winter. It can be disconcerting to be stuck in but we learned to just enjoy it as much as possible. We played in it, snow angels, snowballs, snowmen, etc. We used this time to bake and get out the hot cocoa with marshmallows or whipped cream. Fun time to decorate with Christmas music too. We also liked to play games. Electricity usually went out too. LoL. Hope it gets more fun for you!

  16. Brrrr brass monkeys here in Herts. They're saying it will last all month. It's nice for a couple of days (legitimate skive off work etc) but I need to get my Xmas shopping done! Lovely photo's.
    Louise x

  17. My trip to Vegas was cancelled because of the snow - can you believe it!

    Hope you're staying safe and warm and sorry I missed your birthday - hope it was a lovely one,

    Victoria xx

  18. Here in Northern California it has been very cold for this time of year. We actually got below freezing during the night one day this week. Now it has warmed to the 40s and we are expecting a lot of rain this weekend. The snow might be a drag but the pictures are so pretty!

  19. oh gosh well i guess it would be bad if ur not used to it. we have about an inch of snow but the temps are what's making news this wk. it's only going to b in the mid 20's during the day and teens and single digits at night all wk. more snow i think mid wk but living in the midwest who know's!!! i would love to take ur snow over the temps any day. b careful =0) ms. violet

  20. I hope all is well as we hear more snow for you. I wanted to share a link with of some caravan christmas toys that are an exact copy of your darling caravan. (Maybe since you're snowed in you have more computer time?)
    Scroll down to the bottom of her post here. They are sooooo cute. I have never seen these in America.
    Take care and hugs to your westie!

  21. Merry Christmas to you and yours! Your blog and snow pics are so delightful, as usual!!! I haven't visited in an age, but had to tell you that I love all your pics. Your house is gorgeous.


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