It was until I started to look through my pictures that I realised how much I actually love flowers....and not just any old flower either! But Roses! they have been my favourite flower forever!
Right from laying them, with my Dad, as a little girl on my Nanna's grave to my lovely hubby sending me 24 red roses the day after we first met!
....and it wasnt until the other day when I decided to look through our pile of quilts that I realised how far the addiction had see I decided to sell some (quilts) on a well known auction site to raise some money for chrimbo!
When I came across these two below a crocheted one and this pretty duck edged blue durham quilt...these had been lost and tucked away in amoungst all the others...I was thrilled to find them!

I laid the crocheted one on the bed to take some pictures of it (below) and just couldn't bare to part with it as it looked so pretty on our bed! Right I shall try the next one!
I also laid the next one on the bed (below) a pink durham quilt (single size) and thought! How can I part with this lovely piece paisley pinks and pretty small roses....Na! I can't part with that either!
The same thing happened quite a few times! but I wasn't really wasting my time, as I was rediscovering all my old quilts and blankets that I had totally forgot I had! I was in Quilt heaven!
This is a closer picture of the duck egg floral paisley durham quilt that I actually own! hehehe! the times I have tried to find something like this! totally forgetting that i already had this one myself!
Ah time for a extra money earn't for me! but then I don't have to waste time, buying the things I already have! LOL!
Speak soon my lovely friends.

Love Happy x


  1. Hi Happy,

    Really lovely rosie things you have there! I love the crochet quilt I don't think I would be able to part with that either!

    If you want to be in with a chance of adding another one to your collection I'm doing a charity raffle over on my blog for a really pretty double eiderdown.

    Sian x

  2. I totally agree with both the love of roses....and keeping those beautiful quilts to yourself. I wouldn't part with them either!!

  3. Hey Happy, I'd be boiling hot lay in bed as I wouldn't be able to decide which one of those lovelies to use, so I'd have to put ALL of them on and suffer for their beauty haha!! Mad as a Hatter as always eh?! x

  4. I love roses, eiderdowns & linens too. I can definitely see why you don't want to sell them, they're soooo beautiful!!!

    Sharon xx

  5. I couldn't have parted with them either! They are stunning, you need a hotel that way you can dress all the beds in wonderful quilts and vintage linen and we can all come stay!
    Kandi x

  6. ahhhh!
    I love all of these! don't blame you for keeping them:)
    have a lovely evening.

  7. Dear Happy, who doesn't like flowers especially when you decorate them beautifully all over your home and infact your home has been my inpiration.. love love love your collections! sooo beautiful! have a great weekend!

  8. such a pretty beautfiul girly post i love all your quilts. roses i think have to be a girl's bestfriend. Have a lovely weekend. Dee x

  9. Haha I was holding my breath there ready to whizz over to your shop! I don't blame you for not wanting to let them go!!! I'm very excited about my logo tonight! Lots of love, Amanda xxx

  10. I know what you mean girl. I keep thinking I should sell my stash of vintage table cloths but then I get them out and fall in love all over again. Roses are my very favorite too. They make me happy whether they grow in my garden, stand in my vase or rest on my fabrics.

  11. Such a lovely vintage linen and beautiful quilts I ever seen!no wonder why you never let them go or sell and keeping it well!they are Gorgeous and To die for!Great images too!

  12. Mmmmmmm.....Thanks so much for a little peak into the linens closet! After I finish my cup of tea (yes, we had breakfast together once again!) I am inspired to go take a peak into my long ago stashed beauties and see what is deserving of some "air time". I think I'll bring out all the reds for the holidays. I'm off!

  13. I adore roses, too! My sweet mama has always loved them also and has always had many varieties of them in her garden! I love them not only for their beauty, but because they make me think of her!


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