After watching 'A passionate Woman last week with Billie Piper (yes I am a fan!) and Sue Johnston (I love this woman!)...I was bowled over this evening when I found myself watching

Please watch A Passionate Woman...which bought me totally to tears! watching this also made me shed a tear or two, but in a different way, not for the fiction, but for Sues journey into finding herself....

This programme I think was shown back in February, so some of your might have already seen it...but if you haven't, please do watch it, it is such a lovely story :)

Love Happy x


  1. I ADORE you blog. It makes me happy and that is why I have left a gift for you over at my blog. Check it out and please pass it on! Susan

  2. Not seen any of these!!! Must rectify immediately!!

  3. Oh they sound great! I hope we get them here soon!
    Hugs, Lisa

  4. Not seen either of them!! I'll keep a lookout!!


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