Its been a long time coming gals and I am soooo sorry for that! and I seem to be using the same 'ole excuse that I have been so so busy too! which I have, but it must be boring for you lovely lasses hearing the same old same old and I am sorry again for that too!  Our Easter was very quiet (what rotten weather eh!) son came home and the four of us all sat indoors and ate for England, but it was lovely having family time together :) Good times :)

I have now decided I NEED!!!to go on a fasting diet!...
Probably NIL BY MOUTH for about 3 years should do the trick! ;) So DIET STARTS TODAY! this morning for breakfast I decided to eat everything that I didn't want to have as a temptation in my cupboards! what a brilliant theory! I ate two toasted waffles with lashings of butter...thing is I didn't really like them!..they tasted rather like Play Doh! (not that I have ever eaten any play doh in my life before LOL!) just that it tasted like perhaps Play doh might taste! if you know what I mean!...oh and then I finished off the rest of the mini Mars's that I had hidden in the Freezer..and thought that I had best forget about them until 3 years from now!...Actually they taste better from the freezer! (note to self! chocolate tastes better frozen!) I thought I should write that down just in case I forget 3 years from now!LOL!

Its way past lunch...but I had better get on with this post....I have choccie biscuits and bratwurst sausages left so if any of you have any good recipes...I'd love to hear from you :)))
Right Bedroom makeover!

All I have done really is change the bed was over the other side...but now I have it underneath the window...I don't know how Feng Shui that is! but I am having much better sleeps like it! YAY! Apart from the fact Fred snores BAD!...but he tells me I snore BAD too! Eek! and apparently I talk a lot and laugh a lot too! DOUBLE EEK! but having said all of that it just feels better under the window :) 
I actually do not know why I am writing this post now...apart from the fact that I feel very guilty that I have been away from it a bit longer than I first thought!...but I also have a whole load of lovely things to list on my little website b4 I am featured in the July edition of BBC Homes and Antiques! Whoo Hoo! I am sooo excited...Do you remember a while back now that the wonderful Selina Lake and Debi Treloar came to the Happy House? well very good things came from it and now that colour has hit Blighty BIG TIME - It made sense that our cottage should be featured in their lovely magazine too! ;)
What a wally! I keep going off on tangents...hehehe! Right! here we have my bed moved over to the other side!...I don't think it will take another move to be quite honest!...I moved this while Fred was having a little nap downstairs and nearly bent the ends beyond repair! I didn't realise that I had a couple of boxes underneath that really should of been moved before I shunted the bed across to the other side! Whoops! Oh well! Onwards and Upwards LOL!
I still have some iconic pieces in the same places...I have actually started to use this CK know now that it has been discontinued! B4 it was just an ornament :) and also above is one of my necklaces...this one I wear all of the time...soooo colourful and fun :)
I also love all these cushions on the bed.... they all have to be laid out a certain way too...a lot of CK is featured on my bed....until I have my own line in bed ware! ;) she will have to do! LOL! her colours sooo fit in with our vibe for a bright and happy life.
This little lamp base and shade is another booty is the little spotty dolls dress.  Turquoise and red compliments each other beautifully... I love it :) and the shabby gold of the lamp base to me screams vintage.

I have been out and about this weekend, booting, as last weekend was such a washout...I love trunderling (is that a word?) around the second hand markets looking for vintage and I have managed to find some beauties...I'll show you them in the week :)

Bye for now honey's - I won't leave it as long next time :)


  1. Now is it possible for me to dive in your blog pick up your bedroom and place it in my home?!?!?! I just LOVE LOVE LOVE it!!!

    I'm still trying to play around with my bedroom and now the booties have started it's time to hunt out some fabulous furniture to mess up!!!

    Victoria xxx

  2. Oohh, it all looksso bright, gorgeous and happy!Such style!
    I'm so pleased the boots have started up again! I found such treasures on Sunday!
    Have a lovely week!
    Rachel x

  3. Your new room do-up looks great! Always love your eye for color... er colour!

  4. Your bedroom is so bright and lovely! It's always such a visual treat to visit your blog!

  5. I went booting yesterday too, but shouldn't have had that cuppa in bed. As I arrived I saw a very paintable pine cupboard and gorgeous old picnic basket making their way to the car park! Must get up earlier next week...I'm having a giveaway & swap if you would like to pop by?xxx

  6. Lovely bedroom! I love mounds of pillows, they call to me at naptime.

    Pretty boot finds. I'm a flea market, vintage shop chain-shopper as well...but I think I'm going to be have to extend my booty radius soon. haha

  7. OH MY! Just looking at your blog makes me happy! I love that button necklace... I need one.

  8. I adore your bed! And your bedding is stunning! Your room looks so cozy!! I could live in that one room for ages

  9. Your room is soooo hApPy! My favorite is those green shutters! They just pop and make me giggle. The aqua rosey lamp too. Your bed looks so tiny...I think it is because we super size everything here in the U.S. Our bed is a size Queen but seems so much larger than yours. Hmmm?

    Congrats on the Mag. shoot that will be fUn!!!

  10. Looks like a little happy slice of heaven as usual:) I love love love the shutters, I'm totally jealous you have a fireplace and the colors are great. You have such a great eye:) Hugs:)

  11. Just how I would like mine, if it ever happens! Love the bed too, I have my eye on one at the moment, we will see what happens! Just about to do a kitche makeover too! I think you taste os wonderful, just lovely! suzie xxx

  12. I love your bedroom!! the bed looks really lovely under the window!!

  13. Just found your blog through rubyred. Simply love it! I will buy the July issue of H&A!!

    Lieve groet from Holland,


  14. Your bedroom looks fab!! Love it!!!!

  15. Loving the lamp! very cute. Kx

  16. Well, it sure is good to hear from you! And, with a luscious cozy bedroom to show off, too! I like the bed under the window - makes it look like you have an extended headboard design. Ours is under the window, and the cats like to sleep on the sill and lean against the headboard!

  17. Your bedroom looks lovely, remind us nearer the time when the magazine will be in the shops please !
    Best wishes
    ps. I am sure digesting frozen chocolate must use up all the calories it has !

  18. I love it ,It's bright and cheery, colorful,It's you

  19. Hi Happy - your room looks gorgeous - will look out for the magazine. I've bought so many things in turquoise and red, since you designed my blog in those colours - lovely combination -

    Wishing you well - xxx

  20. Oh so cosy!! Lovely lovely, snuggle up, love Posie

  21. HI Happy! Your room looks perfectly cozy! I have a waterbed, so I am unable to rearrange my room as I would like too! I am needed to make some changes in there soon!
    have a great week!

  22. Happy,I love your bedroom and am sooo excited about your feature in H&Antiques.It's my favourite magazine and I have what can only be described as a tower of them next to my bed which serves as a perfect bedside table.I too am trying to lose five stone in a couple of weeks and have thought about stapling my mouth closed.Maybe kaftans are the answer.These are desperate times...Anne x

  23. Happy those sheets are to die for! I am so envious of you girls in the Uk with your "booting" and "thrifting". It all sounds so Blighty, and reminds me of Catherine whatsit (you know, the one; the red head in the new Dr Who series.) Oh Catherine Tate!
    I especially like her nana that swears character.Beautiful bedroom Happy. Looking forward to July Homes and Antiques. Neva mind the mars bars love!!!

  24. HEHEHE! I love Catherine Tate too! Especially the Nan! Fred's mum is sooooo like her, she cannot see it herself but everyone else roars with laughter at how similar she is! complete with the swearing and all! we have another new series of Dr who on at the moment...its brilliant :)

    Love H xx

  25. Your bedroom looks like a happy & blissful to be! Bright colors make me happy, so your room would make me ecstatic! Thank you for the visual treat!

  26. I love love love looking at pictures of your home, and certainly never tire of it. You have such a way with colour. I can't wait for the July issue. How exciting is that! And you and Fred are such lovely people, you deserve such good things coming your way.
    Good luck with the diet, though the mars in the freezer made me chuckle. x

  27. Oh My, this is so pretty :), especially the pretty floral eiderdown.
    I was in car booty heaven last Sunday, two in one day. It's amazing what wonderful treasures you can find that other people are getting rid of!!!
    Congratulations on the magazine feature too, can't wait to see your happy home.

  28. Hi! I am new here but i found your blog very interesting.

    God bless!

  29. Hi Happy.. congrats for being featured in BBC mag.. I can't hardly wait to see it.. and I love Selina Lake, I have her book and she inspire me to decorate and collect pretty pieces..
    btw I love your bedroom make over.. always, you got lovely colour combination.. always look fun and cheery..

    have a good weekend


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