We have just had lunch....a packet each of the cheapest noodles you can find in your supermarket...costing between 9p and 20p....dressed with a small spash of chilli sauce! how bad is that! I always buy these noodles to add in soups and caseroles....but when you have no bread in the house, these are perfect for a lunchtime snack!


  1. Good on you ! my kids love the 9p noodles we use them alot camping but now even at home they refuse normal ones and want these. Suits me, stir fry some veg add a tin of sweetcorn, 2 mins and job done !

  2. We have noodle like that here and I think my kids lived off of them in collage! I haven't bought them in years.

  3. I need to stock my cupboards with these! I LOVE noodles

    Victoria xx

  4. i love these noodles.. i always add a chicken stock cube to mine to make me feel a bit more healthy haha!!!

    have to be served in a nice bowl!

  5. Chicken super noodles and cheese, my favourite comfort food. lol,
    Have fun,
    Rachael xx

  6. I love them, the blue dragon ones are nice too, a bit more expensive, but nice. I often have these packets of noodles for lunch, and like you add a bit extra! Yum suzie xxx

  7. I would think anything presented in those heavenly bowls would taste super nice! Love that red one so much. Enjoy your noodles!

  8. Have you ever eaten them uncooked? Sounds weird, but I see kids eating them like that as a snack, sprinkled with the spice mix.

    Anything would be good in those bowls!

  9. I am pretty sure that even mud would taste fabulous in those bowls!!!

  10. Who doesn't love noodles???

    Susan and Bentley

  11. Oh I love this type of noodle! They are real comfort food! Love it when they go all stodgy!

  12. Love your blog it really makes me smile and so I have awarded you a sunshine blog award. If you have not received one before, please check out my blog for further instructions. Continue to spread your sunshine we all need as much as we can get.
    Jenny x

  13. uuuuuuuuh, thank god, i found you!
    what a beauty!
    i love your world
    from heart
    silke :-)


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