Hey Gals, do check out this wonderful new blog on the block...her name is Maisey and I have just designed her blog for her.....PLEASE STOP NOW!!!!!!!!! DO NOT CLICK ON THE LINK!!!!! LOL! MAISEY'S ATTIC IS ONLY OPEN TO INVITED READERS ONLY

....At the time of writing this post all was hunkydory! and she was open to all!...But now the doors are closed... so you'll just have to have a look at the perty pictuuuuure above lol!
I'll add a few more perty pictuuuuuuuures to make up for it :)


I have been adding new graphics to my collection all over the weekend and my son has given me his 1 terrabyte portable hard drive...well I say give! some money was involved there somewhere....!! not sure whether I was conned or not LOL!....but seriously I don't know why I havn't gotten one before!  you know me and saving everything...it has gotten REAL bad! I have disk back up, memory stick back up and now this new baby! but ill get organised soon! lol! put that on my grave stone....


Oh the things I could put on my grave stone....I laugh to myself just thinking about it sometimes....Gosh! How I got here I don't know!...but you have to laugh about these things eh!


Thats another thing I am always saying hehehe!


Oh gosh sorry...Now I am making myself laugh here and you probably haven't got a clue what I am going on about!...hopefully you are on my wavelength and are following me with this and cracking up!...If not sorry! Eek! time to go and get the kids from school!!! whoops no! NO school this week! How do I know that?...well apart from the fact that Rosie is not at college this week!...the boy next door, sounds like he has been throwing himself up the wall for the last 3 hours! Hmmm! lets hope he has a crash helmet on!!..probably had too many E numbers!...Don't worry gals I have been all through that myself...I had one of those children!...you know the one where the mothers judge you at playgroup! because your child is the only one biting kids and trampolining on the tables, all set out for orange juice and rich teas!....Oh yes I know the feeling well...even though it was about 17 years ago now...the memories do not fade LOL!

I could go on but I do not want to bore you all with any of that milarkie! hehehe!

Speak soon gals...
Love Happy x


  1. Would LOVE to visit Maiseys Attic site but it is open to invited readers only... :-( bummer!
    As always Happy...your blog is colourful and inspirational.

  2. Do you think she's got her settings wrong? It's all so hard when you're starting out. I'd love to visit her.

  3. I'll check back in a few days..i'm sure you're right about the settings Sarah...

  4. Hi Happy!!!!!

    I tried ages ago, when I saw your handy work - but it is invite only!

    Nice to see you've been busy though


  5. Hi.. just checked the new blog still has it blocked as of 12:30pm Pacific time.. I know you do such a great job designing.. Guess I too will have to check back later.. Have a great day.. or evening for you now!!


  6. Waa,can't get on to Maisy's site, can you fix it fastish? BTW I totally get the organized thingy....it is an ongoing process, but I made leaps and bounds today. I even made my sewing machine accessible!

  7. Sadly Maisey is only open to "invited readers" so can't check out your creation.
    I got a "clickfree" back up system, excellent for technophobes like me.

  8. I tried to check out the new blog too but it's still open for invites only. I will try back in a few days!!

  9. ha! I was going to say the same as all the others... cant get into maislys attic!
    I know you'll tell her how to fix it!
    have a sweet day!

  10. I did try to visit but couldn't Lucey xx

  11. Happy do you think you should edit this post-its annoying being directed somewhere which isnt even open xxx

  12. I would love to read it but it is for invited readers only.

  13. I hope that the glitch is fixed soon so that we can visit her new blog and make her feel welcome! I know how it feels to start a new blog, mine is just one month old today.

    Susan and Bentley

  14. Not one to repeat everyone else but I've hopped over and it's still on private settings

    Victoria xx

  15. Well gals I am soooooo sorry for giving you all a link ending in no-where! Now would I do that intentionally!!!!No I wouldn't...it was more news to me too! I didnt know it was going to be a 'for invited readers only blog' otherwise i wouldnt of given you the link! Nice to see so many of you are interested in my work though gals :)

    ...and Ruby's Mamma...scared the life outta me with her comment! I felt my face flush and I felt a kind of a feeling you get when you have been told off by the Head Mistress!!!!! sorreee hun!!! it was only a link!!!!

    LOL - love ya all
    Love Happy xx

  16. Well, anyway, looks like you did a fabulous job, once again, with the blog design. I love the slightly more muted colors in this new one. You are one talented lady!

  17. Ahhh gee thanks Maureen, you have made me feel sooo much better :) Love Happs xx

  18. Hi,just checked out your shop..very cute, can you sell out of country?

    Erika (USA)

  19. Hi Erika...yes I sell to everyone honey :) just choose your correct destination in the drop down menu below the item and click your destination :)

    Love Happy xx

  20. Sooo sorry...my mistake...hope you'll pop back ....

  21. I am new to this blogging too, and love playing around with it all. Victoria from 'Florence and Mary' has been a trooper offering fab advice. Maybe one day Happy I will enquiring after a bespoke design. Hmmmm..... I am sooooo tempted. You really are a WIZZ at it!
    Anyhow, I would love it (although nervous!) if anyone would like to pop over to me and have a nosey, make friends sort of thing.

    Keep up the good work H!

    C. x

  22. Now I'm laughing. I had one of those kids too! He's now a handsome, dignified (sometimes) intelligent young man of eighteen years, but I could write a book about the early years. I was the Mom who got all the phone calls from the teacher - and they weren't just to say hello. I think he got his ADHD from me. My epitaph will read: SHE FORGOT. Terri


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