Hello gals...I thought it was about time that I showed you my kitchen, you see I have been putting this off for quite sometime now!....and all because I do not like the design of the cupboards! I would love to rip them out and fit a more neutral shaker style kitchen, but alas I am not made of money these days!  So we have done the best we can!

We have covered the worktops with our vintage french enamel oven backs, as the worktops are a horrible grey style granite (yuk)! why do they make kitchens with this stuff!.... And we have covered the back cupboards with this lovely Cath kidston wallpaper.... to give a totally different look the the kitchen (well we are trying!)....

Taking off the cupboard doors is a good idea....that way you can decorate with your items instead of putting up with disgracefull cupboards!

As you all know, we love checks, spots and stripes here at the Happy House, so I have to have plenty of bright tins and useful jugs scattered around.

See what I mean....these bowls look great don't they! all on show...and perfect when you are trying to find something!

This is the other side of the kitchen...yes it is very small, but compact!  The fridge we have also covered with the same CK wallpaper and yes that is a Union Jack draped over one of the cupboards.....well I had to have one in here too now didnt I! 

I hope you have enjoyed this little look into our kitchen and that it has inspired some of you to do something different on 'the cheap' :)

Speak soon gals...
Love Happy x


  1. What gorgeous things you have!! How clever of you to think of changing the look of your kitchen and showing off all your lovely things at the same time!!!
    Well done!!


  2. You are a good source of inspiration for us all and it is great that you have managed to 'happify' your kitchen to suit your taste! x

  3. I think your kitchen is adorable!! You have completely changed it by adding all your lovely dishes and ideas! I love the fact that you stuck wallpaper up on the cabinet doors...yahoo for you! Pure inspiration!

  4. Oh I love what you've done with your kitchen but I really love the fridge makeover what a great idea, have you put a seal on the wallpaper and how did you stick it on? I think that is going to be my next project.
    Love your blog.
    Take care

  5. It's a darling kitchen! :-)

    I would trade you in a heart beat! My cupboards are brown. Ugh!


  6. What a lovely bright cheerful kitchen

  7. I love your style!!!
    It looks fantastic, you have such great stuff!
    I have to confess your blog colours inspired me to inject some colour into my own kitchen!
    I had the blue already but added some red (and a Union Jack doormat!)
    I love it so must thank you for the inspiration!

    Lots of Love

    Kelly xxx

  8. It looks great - and I love Devon Dumplings words "to happify" - so you! Lots in blogland would know exactly what she meant!

  9. I've been debating the wisdom of taking off some of my kitchen cupboard doors for ages as unfortunately my finances just won't stretch to a new kitchen. I think you might just have given me the courage to finally go for it. Of course my cupboard contents won't be anywhere near as lovely as yours.

  10. I love Devon Dumplings-ism too..."happify" is simply perfect! I live in a rental with the tiniest galley sort of kitchen EVER, with light wood cabinetry. I think I may use a bit of fabric in the same way you've used the wallpaper. Thanks for sharing your SUPER ideas! xoxo

  11. How lovely! You put things together so well and the colors always pop! I would love to spend time in your kitchen...it makes me feel happy, too...just like you!

  12. looks great! i totally agree with you about the counter tops, so many new places are made with awful granite tops. cabinets i find, are usually so overly slick and modern too. great idea in doing the wallpaper on yours and taking the doors off! I may just take the doors off some of mine too...

  13. Youre kitchen is adorable! I like seeing bloggers homes that arent perfect and that show creative decorating.. just like you have done! I would love to sit in your kitchen and sip tea with you!!

  14. Wise move, my friend, in taking off the doors. I did that in my old house and loved it. In my present house, I didn't even put in cupboards - had hubby put straight, open shelves up. So much easier, and forces me to keep things dusted and tidy!

    Your whole kitchen looks just grand - you've done a great job with decorating and organizing!

  15. This is a perfectly timed post. Hopefully after Christmas I shall be moving into a rented flat so I will be all about decorating on the cheap and using my pretties rather than complete overhauls!

    Have a great week,

    Victoria xx

  16. Love the idea of the open shelves in a kitchen especially when you have such lovely crockery and matching the fridge to the cupboard with that lovely wallpaper works realy well, it's all these bit's and piece's that make a house into a home isn't it. Love Lucey xx

  17. Love it! love it,love it! how creative you are happy,and I love the french oven backs on the bench tops,although I cant imagine where you could find such a thing? they are beautiful,I personally dont like these sleek tidy shiny kitchens that seem so popular these days,a kitchen should be cosy and colourful and welcoming! well you certainly tick all the boxes then! well done,it is absolutely stunning.xx

  18. I am going to paint my cupboards soon. We moved into this house, which needs doing up. We left behind a kitchen that had a belfast sink and lovely reclaimed wooden cupboards. boo hoo! Now I am trying to think of ingenious ways to make this one look good, without the price tag! Love yours! suzie. x

  19. I love those blue checked storage jars. I'm having a bit of a blue theme in my kitchen at the moment and am always looking for blue storage containers but can't find any anywhere!

  20. I KNEW your kitchen would be cute! And it IS! Hello, just discovered your bloggie a few days ago, and I love it!
    Happy Monday!

  21. You are so very talented. I am forever inspired by you! I love your kitchen, it's so pretty and bright.

  22. Your kitchen is lovely Happy....I like the cupboard make over!x

  23. Happy, you got really a pretty kitchen.. so colourful and cottagey.. I love how you set your knick knacks.. dots, stripes and checks just nice combo!

    have a great day!

  24. I love your blog. Your kitchen is super gorgeous!! I just wish you updated for us more, haha. Thanks.

  25. Your kitchen is fabulous - love the Cath Kidston wall paper - great idea! Also love all the dotty and spotty china! I have a mild obsession with anything spotty and just bought a red + white butter dish full of spots :)

  26. Wishing you a wonderfull thursday
    Love Norway

  27. Cute kitchen! I am in love with the idea of using wallpaper on the kitchen cabinets and refrigerator! A facelift for cheap - love it!

  28. Your kitchen is so bright and cheery it must be a such a pleasure to cook in this room!

  29. I really like your kitchen! From the looks of it though yours was nicer before than mine is now ;)

    Mel xxx


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