OMG! Guess what guys!!!! something arrived in the garden today! it was Big! Green! and only had two wheels! It looks kinda odd! but Mummy, Daddy, Rosie, Grandad and Grandma were all making cooing noises! It was attached to Grandad's BIG red jeep and everyone had to help to get it into the garden!

Apparently its an original 1950's Fisher Holivan....I am none the wiser!!! woof!...and I can't really see what all the fuss is about, as I don't really think it is as cute as me!! huh hmmm!
PHEW! lucky I took all these pictures!

Whoop's I never meant to take this one....oh well it makes the place look pretty! Woof!

Heres Grandad preparing to push it into place....!

There! all done!...time for a cup of tea!....mines a fresh bowl of water and a denta rusk! woof woof!

Apparently theres nothing in it at the moment...all the inside has been taken out long since! so I think daddy is going to try and fix it up! Mummy said that it is going to be Daddies new home! because he snores too much! woof out woof! WOW!

I am going to sit here and guard I am a terrier! and that is my job to protect the family and mummies new theres a rotten mangey cat that comes into our garden and I don't want her claiming my lovely cool spot underneath! WOW!

Bye for now


  1. your westie is so adorable <3

  2. What a cool caravan. There was a lovely kidston style one that sold on ebay near me recently, sadly it went up to £1000 so bit above my budget. How magical to have that in your garden, can't wait to see what you do with it x

  3. Wow! That's such a thing of beauty. When's the first camping trip?
    Lisa x

  4. looks super! Can't wait to see what you do with it! My OH and I have just bought a 40 year old VW campervan and are going to Cormwall in it for August. It has the original Westfalia interior, a new checkerboard floor, vintage looking stripey curtains, granny blankets and CK cushions so far...I shall be putting some pictures up on my blog soon x

  5. We might only be cats but we think you are so cute! Lily Pickle and Henry Knuts. xx

  6. What a gorgeous caravan! So cute! Just looked at the pics of your bedroom as well and it's gorgeous.

    Mel xxx

  7. i am BEYOND jealous of your new holivan.
    I WANT!! ...gorgeous:)

  8. You lucky things, what fun you will have kitting it out with vintage fittings. Max is gorgeous too !

  9. We were just talking about finding a tiny, vintage camper like this! So jealous of the sweet color!

  10. Cute! We thought about a Westie, before our Border Terrier Derby captured my hubby heart!
    He's too cute!

  11. Your doggy is just too cute! what a sweetheart!

    Love that camper cant wait to see you Happy it Up!


  12. heheheh Happy, I am so happy for you.. the green camper is awesome! and the terrier is cute too!

  13. Im visitng from Koralees blog.I had to see the westie.I have one as well, thats what caught my eye.he is so sute.Looks like mine actually.Mine is Eli.LOL.Id like to follow your blog but I dont have a facebook account.So I will just add you to my favorites.Lovely, lovely place here.

  14. Oh My what a pretty new garden toy, how fun I just know you will get it looking so cute inside.
    Hugs, Diane

  15. Wow, the caravan is fab. Can't wait to see what you do with it.

  16. Dear Max
    My mum let out a gasp, a "coo", a "wow" and a sigh when she was sat at the computer so I had a peak over her shoulder to see what had made her go all dribbly.
    It was your post on your mum's blog.
    I'm with you - can't see what all the fuss is about, but I admit, it does look nice and cool underneath!
    Keep scaring cats,

  17. The coolest caravan!! and the cutest little doggie!

  18. What a great caravan! The fun you will have arrnging it inside!!! Look forward to seeing more of it in future posts.
    Very cute dog!
    Isabelle x

  19. You go, Max, you're the boss! What a wonderful vintage trailer - I can't wait to see what you do with it!

  20. OMG, for ages I havent been able to get onto your blog,for some reason it keeps closing down! Anyway today I'm so excited as your posts have come up and I've missed a few so here goes!
    Love the pictures of your boudoir, utter gorgeousness!Especially the chicken wire cupboard!
    The garden looks amazing,so pretty, jolly and quirky!
    Looks like you had a lovely time in Somerset.Your friends house is so pretty, especially since you Happied it!
    Rachel x

  21. My mummy thinks your mummy is the `coolest chick` around! Miss your mummy...she`s lovely and cuddly..


  22. eeekkk cuteness!!! and i mean both the camper and your sweet pup.

  23. I still love your photos!!! Amazing!!

    Regards from Sweden & Agneta

    Ps. welcome to my competition on my blog! Ds

  24. I am as green as your Fischer ! OOOO0000ooooo U lucky girl. A new pup and a fab pull about. I would never stop smiling.
    aka "LiBBy BuTTons"

  25. Excellent vintage caravan. You bagged a great one there.

    Looks just the right size for a snooky little craft studio in the garden?

    Or maybe that's just my fantasy [sigh]

  26. Love your blog, so happy to find you here and on Facebook! I'll be back!

  27. How sweet is that! And it's green(and pink inside)WOW! I think it's possibly the cutest little thing I've ever seen! I hope you enjoy it~ I think I'd move in :)

  28. Lucky lucky ducks!!!!!! Ohhh it is just fantastic!!!!

    Happy new camper to you all!! I sooo look forward to seeing all that you put into it!!! FUNNNN!!!

    Have you seen Cat's lil camper? Here is a link....

    Tell her jenny holiday sentcha!! :)

    Happy Happy Summer Doll!!!

    Thinking of you often!!!
    XOXO Jenny

    ps...would you be a doll and email me your mailing info AGAIN....LOST it!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  29. Just discovered you via Henhouse Homemade - good to see another Kentish blogger! Love the van (and all the other jolly pictures)!

    Pomona x

  30. I can't wait till you fix it up inside!! I love your home and garden...your style is to dream of...

  31. I discovered your blog the middle of last week, and I have to tell you that your beautiful "eye candy" has remained in my mind since then. I even had to tell my Hubby about it! Just LOVE your work!!!!

    Cindy at Dusting in Pearls & Rosehaven Cottage

  32. what a gorgeous blog...i will be back.
    %*_*% rosey

  33. Absolutely lurve your caravan and your blog! Whereabouts in Medway are you? We used to live on the road from Rainham to Upchurch - now lucky enough to live in Cornwall! Look forward to following your blog, best wishes!

  34. That camper is so cute, i love it!~


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