Hello my lurverlies, Thank you so much for your very kind comments on my last post, you have all really given me the encouragement that I needed and I thank you all from the bottom of my heart :) I promise I will keep you all posted, whatever I decide to do ;)

I am including quite a few items in this post, so please bare with me LOL! Right lets get started....The other day my Mum paid me the most wonderful comment Ever! (even though in her mind, it wasn't supposed to be! hee hee!)...she told me that I was sooo like my Nanny Hilda!...Now! Look at the picture below...Hilda is the gal on the left...she was the Happiest, loveable Nan, anyone could wish for! In my starving years (when I was 10 to about 15 years old my Mum put me on a diet! Eek!) and whenever we used to visit Nan in Lyson's Walk, Putney...she would pass me cakes under the table and away from the eyes of my Mum!

...Needless to say Nanny Hilda and I became best buddies, she had a sweet tooth too and we would often take ourselves off for a walk to the sweetshop and go to the park and eat cake! My Mum and her sister Joyce would often be clearing up Nan's clutter...she used to keep everything, she would throw nothing away...In her later years...we even found pot pourri in the fridge! LOL! 

I also remember one time, when she was visiting us, we went for a walk to the park and her bloomer knickers started to fall down!! we were laughing so much....she took cover in a telephone box and pulled them off and rather than go home we still went to the park...but chuckled all the way there...and all the way home...I am sure she had a new found spring in her step that day! hee hee!

So you see, the memories I have of her are all happy ones...I know I am a maximilist rather than a minimilist, much to my Mum's disgust! but I love it that way, I wouldn't want to be any different....I think, infact, I know, my Nan would fit in very cosily to my little cottage if she were alive today...So thank you Mum for that wonderful comment you gave me, I couldn't think of anyone else that I would rather be like.

Happy Harris aged 4 years

Right moving on...Look what I received in the post this week...yes gals, I was the 100th person to be a follower of 'Jellybelly Jellybrain' blog... well Happy and Rosie's blog banners was!, so Emma emailed me with the news and told me that she wanted to treat me and look what she made for me :) how sweet is she :) Thankyou Emma I LOVE it...

Have you ever paid Emma a visit? If you havn't then I suggest you do pronto! she is such a funny gal...she has me in stitches with some of the things she posts about...you should really take a peek and she has the most delightful website too!.

Now its funny that my mum should pay me that compliment about my Nan last week, because I was working on a blog makeover for Victoria from Vintage Tea She came to me wanting a complete change and a new start for her blog, she was renaming it and everything...her new blog is called Florence and Mary...she has named it after her two Nan's! Can you see the theme running through here!

...And this is how it turned out...she wanted a London vibe, as both her Nan's lived in the East End of London...We were both so pleased with it....Do take a peek and also if you would like something created similar, Please check out my blog banner blog, next door at HAPPY AND ROSIE (sorry no longer a blog!) but you can view my shop at www.happylovesrosie.co.uk

Right! last but not least...is the one and only Margaret and Madeleine's Sale....Yes its that time of year again...time to chuck out your sad and dated furniture and head on down to The Old Rectory Sale!
to buy some wonderful vintage wares and shabby collectables.

The above poster and below gives you all the details...and please respect the parking details, otherwise the neighbours will not be Happy! and we don't want that! 

I shall look forward to seeing you there...if you can make it and if not they will be having another one in a couple of months time :) I'll keep you all posted :)

Bye for now..

Love Happy x


  1. Oh how I love your blog...wish you were here in the States...you're a gal after my own heart. Love your passion and love of color, your blog is always such a happy place to visit(no pun intended)!

    Love the part about your Nanny, I lost my grandma far too young but I know I take after her, I would have loved to spend more of my adult years with her. The last thing she ever said to me is "follow your heart and always do the right thing" these are words that I've lived my life by and they have served me well!

    Enjoy the rest of your week!


  2. Hi Happy

    I'm not sure I've commented before although I've looked at your blog now and again. It's so lovely and colourful! Your nan sounds wonderful, I would be pleased at the compliment too if I were you.

    I will be back and yes I definitely think you should do a book :)

    Loved what you did on Victoria's new blog.

    Mel xxx

  3. Glad you like the UJ heart ... you inspired it!

    I had a great-aunty (called Emma funnily enough) who I didn't really know that well, but I do remember at one family get-together she went to the loo and came out with the back of her dress stuck in her knickers and she thought it was hilarious! I can remember thinking how I wanted to be like her when I grew up and not like all the prim and proper other grannies that were there!

  4. Lovely post - the memories are so special. My grandmother-in-law (a real character, now 100) remembers stepping onto a bus in WW2 with dodgy knicker elastic (no way to replace it in those days). Her knickers came down as she went up the steps and she just stepped gracefully out of them and carried on as though nothing had happened! So many women were quite repressed in past generations that it's good to focus on the ones who weren't. My actual grandmothers were called Mildred and Kathleen, which doesn't have the ring of some peoples' though... I'l have to stick to my own vintage nickname!

  5. What a lovely post, I really enjoyed reading it, and the blog make over you did for Victoria is fab! xxxxxx

  6. You've got me chuckling too over your fond memories of your "nan"!! xo, suzy

  7. Your nan sounds fabulous - but aren't all nan's!

    Thank you for all your help on my new blog, it would appear to be a success!

    Fingers crossed I might try and get to the sale Sunday.

    Victoria xx

  8. Oh that would be soooo cool victoria, if you could come to the sale :), and thank you too chick, your were my inspiration behind my Nan post...well and my lovely Mother of course! he he he!

  9. Hi Happy, I love Victoria's new blog page. I've been following your blog for ages, and I really love the colours you've used in your delightful home. SueX

  10. You have done a wonderful job on Victoria's Blog, clever you.

    You must go for it with the book, remember life is not a dress rehearsal, you only get one shot at it, and in my opinion best to regret something you have done than something you haven't :)

    Thank you for sharing your wonderful, precious family photographs


  11. Oh how I loved hearing about the antics of your Nan and seeing those wonderful old photos!!! Priceless!

  12. I love your blog!! it is truly inspirational.I started my blog last week and since then i have been hooked, I have added a link to your blog from mine. I hope you don't mind. Anyway I will be visiting your blog now on a regular basis now I have found you.
    Sophie x

  13. Love these room in your photo


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