As it is St George's day today...I thought it would be a good idea to add some piccies here of all the Union Jacks that I have around the house!....and the very quintessentially English styles that I love about Blighty!...I know it is a very ENGLISH day and the flags around my house represent 'The United Kingdom'....but I am an English Lassie through and through! So this is my take, on things that I love about 'MY' England....


Above - My laundry room

Yes a Union Jack in our garden! LOL!

The Dining Room...

My Craft and hobby room....

Handmade badge cushion....Can you see something here in the pattern!!!
Cheeky English postcards.
All about 'Blighty'!

Remember these!

The Laundry!
Gosh! its Union Jack fever at the Happy House!



  1. Hello~I've just strolled into your blog for my first visit...I've enjoyed taking a peek at your past posts. What beauty! You've got so many wonderful treasures.
    I love that embroidery piece. It has so many pretty details.

    I have two grown sons, both of which still play video games. I told my married son..."as long as it doesn't interfere with me getting grand babies it's okay." ;D

    I've bookmarked you my favs.
    I look forward to coming by your charming blog again.
    Come by for a visit. The company would be nice.

    Sweet wishes,

  2. Love all the union Jacks - great cushion!

  3. love the pics! happy st georges day!
    We were just saying it should be a public holiday and then more people would celebrste it! x

  4. Just watched about St Georges Day on GMTV. It should definitely be a holiday ;o) Have a Happy one x

  5. I just love seeing pics from your home!

    Victoria xx

  6. It's a shame that England doesn't whoop it up on this day, like we Americans celebrate 4th of July. Hey, anything for a party, right?

    Good for you that you decorate! Nothing wrong with a flag in your garden!

    (I put a Mr. Linky on my Rednesday posts - hopefully I'll get a following of red lovers1)

  7. your house is fab!

    loving the Union Jacks :-) my favourite Emma Bridgewater has a great range of Union Jack kitchen ware now, oh if only i could buy it ALL! lol

    Rose XXX

  8. I love your home!! I have been so inspired by the detail, I have so many new ideas for decorating my daughter's bedroom!!

  9. Hiya Happy! I love your craft room and you have lots of other lovely photos too. Happy St Georges Day! Pop over to mine before Saturday, there's a giveaway to mark my blogiversary! Love Salx

  10. Happy St George's Day to you and the family, Happy! I love that badge cushion...

    I had fun today educating my English class (made up mainly of French, American and German pupils) on the difference between England and the UK. They were astonished! "What do you mean you're only half English?" "Oh, you're half Welsh too. Does that count?" "Yes, I've seen that red cross! It's in the middle of the British flag!" We got somewhere, I think...

  11. Happy St Georges day to you too!
    love all the Union Jacks
    Rachel x

  12. Happy St Georges day to you too. I am Maltese originally and my town's parish ( I still consider it my town, even though, I moved from Malta) is dedicated to St George...
    Love all your Union Jacks especially the Badge Cushion.


  13. you have a lovely home and garden..
    take care,

  14. Hi there, your blog is fabulous! I hope you dont mind, but I've added your blog to my blogroll on my site.

    Have a wonderful weekend.

    Take Care.

    Melanie xx

  15. I adore your blog, I am going to have a proper look around it very soon, it is fabulous!

    Take Care
    Melanie xx

  16. Ooooh what a lovely blog, full of such colour and scrumptiousness.
    Have a great day.

  17. Hi there, I was just wondering, do you know of anyone who is looking for a swap partner? I am longing to join in on this swapping lark, so any help you could give me would be greatly appriciated.

    Thanks So Much
    Melanie xx

  18. Hello,
    I have been her before. I love to look at all the beautiful colors and alle the things you show us. :-)
    I also want you to know, that I've used one of your blogbanners and I have linked back to you.
    You can see it here:

    Charlotte in Denmark

  19. HI HAPPY!!!!

    Hugs!!! I just love coming to your site... it makes me happy just looking at it!!!

    Just wanted to stop by and let you know I have a couple of awards for you on my blog....

    Hugs and All My Best!!!

    Just A Gal...

  20. I am hosting a swap over on my site if you would like to join, please feel free to pop over and take a look.
    Take Care
    Love Melanie xxx


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