Brick lane.......

On the way back from Columbia Road, we visited Brick Lane, an old haunt of ours, from years ago and just on the corner is a vintage warehouse called 'Beyond Retro'. Now this warehouse/jumble sale type shop claims to have around 10,000 items for sale, and I can totally believe it....just look at the clobber!

So of course we had to pop in and have a look....I had my camera set so that the flash didn't go off and took all these pic's to show you what it was like, Fred kept telling me to stop! because they wouldn't allow it if they knew....but what the heck!....I just couldn't resist!
So heres a few snippets into this East End Boutique....Honestly girls, if you are ever over for a not forget to let us know, we will be able to take you to many haunts that we frequent around London and beyond! to make your holiday truly superb!

This is all so vintage chic....check out those gloves!

And just up my street....Primary colours - I love 'em!

Spot the Jellies!....Honestly folks this was a trip down memory lane....there was many more shoes, heaps of bags and jewellery...there was a mens section with all kinds of accessories for them.....which was great coz while their browzing you can be left alone to look too!......The pretty petticoats took me back to being a girl in the 1970's, I used to have a ruffly petticoat like that in my dressing up box!...didnt we all!...but did you dance around the living room in it to the Bay City Rollers!! Hmmm P'haps NOT!

I have been a window dresser in my time and would of love to of stayed there all night to arrange the shelves and pretend I was shopkeeper again.....Ill have to blog about my shop I have got pics somewhere....thats another story!

This place is heaven.....I wonder if they need a new assistant!

WOW look at those!.....

On the way home I thought I would defintely blog more about the East End....You see Fred is from this part of London and I am from the West End....thats why I always feel at home with 'cath'! (all of her shops seem to be there!) I think I will blog more about where we came from - it should be interesting as Fred's family are typical Eastenders, salt of the earth and all that!....and my family are typical Westenders........all very worth blogging about!

To be cont'd......
Luv Happy xx


  1. I always enjoy reading about your trips out in London, I don't visit very often these days. My Dad had a stall on Brick lane market many years ago, I used to go and see him on a Sunday morning and found it so exciting as a teenager from suburbia... a trip up there is long overdue, I know my daughter would love it and plenty of photo opportunities. I think we should be free to take pictures in shops, I took one in CK in Brighton on Monday, just turned the flash off and took it while the assitant's back was turned, but I did feel a bit naughty :)

  2. oh looks like heaven! x

  3. I always love to go to Portabello Market when I am in London..have gotten lots of fun things there...lots of inspiration. Since I am a designer, it is fun to visit these shops and get some reference from vintage things.
    sounds like you are having fun...Spring in England is always a delight...I came to the Cotswolds for my birthday a few years ago and just loved it there!


  4. Wow that looks like a fab place to have a rummage around in..what fun! I used to get some 50s clothes from a great shop in London back in the 1980s but cannot remember for the life of me what it was called..wasn't this shop but it looked very similar!

  5. Looks like such a fun store!! I would love to visit England someday!

  6. Your enthusiasm jumps out of my computer screen ! Many thanks for sharing views of this amazing place. Can't wait to hear your West London memories... Jayne

  7. Ooh, would love to root through that shop!thats one thing, cork doesn't have much of - thrift shops of any description - clothing or otherwise.
    My dream is to take a trip to London and go to the flea markets and thrift stores.
    Looks like you had great fun!

  8. Hi Happy..just remembered it was called 'Flip' it still around? I haven't been to London for such a long time.
    p.s I totally agree every gal should definately have one of those gorgeous CK suitcases..they are to die for!

  9. I'd love to visit that place! The nearest thing to that,which we have in Exeter, is a place called 'The Real McCoys'..on a much smaller scale but still fun to rummage!Sal;-)

  10. I don't understand all your text but I like so much "go" to your blog! Lot of clothes,'s fantastic for eyes.
    Thank you for the visit.

  11. hi Rosie,
    found your lovely blog ........... and I love it!
    The vintage shop is great! So many shoes - it´s like heaven.

    Greetings from germany, Claudia

  12. Not only did I dance around the house to the Bay City Rollers...S-A-T-U-R-D-A-Y night...I had a huge crush on Les. He was the cutest. My friends and I sewed plaid trim onto our pants...ahhh, those were the days. Vicki at

  13. Hi, What a wonderful shop. I live just outside of London and travelled up last Thursday to visit Spitalfields Market. They have Antiques stalls every Thursday. I wasn't too impressed. We decided to walk through to Brick Lane. I wish I knew about this shop before. It looks so interesting. I love antique mannequins and have been on the look out for a old style wasp waisted one. There is s a shop called Caravan in Spitalfields which usually sell them, but unfortunately had none. Lovely blog by the way! Teresa


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